Fic - Hero Worship

Sep 23, 2007 00:37

I haven't done an Alphabet story in a while. And I know I've never done an A story.

Challenges: The Subordinates challenge in Fried-Potatoes
FanFic100 prompt: 021 - Friends
Pyramid_Dares: Set 2, Level 9 - Looking up to you
My Tables 'O Links -- Pyramid table, FanFic100 Table
Rating: G
Pairings: Agent A/Gladys
Summary: When your boss is Iron Klaus, how do other heroes measure up?
By: Margaret Price
Written: September 22, 2007

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hero Worship
Word count: 1,136
Friends and co-workers unite.

Some days at NATO Intelligence were so uneventful as to be downright boring, while others were so filled with stress that everyone’s nerves were on edge for the remainder of the week. And if the Major wasn’t having a good day, no one was having a good day. Period.

Unfortunately, the Major was currently having a bad month, and several of his Alphabet were perilously close to relocating to the northern most state in the United States. A place that had become known as the dreaded “A” word.

The agent sharing this same letter had found himself in the eye of the storm that was Iron Klaus. Carrying out orders, coordinating the rest of the team, shielding those who had screwed up long enough for them to make amends before the Major found out and gave them their packing orders.

Then, out of the blue, the Major announced that he had been ordered to take part in a conference and would be leaving the already stressed Agent A in charge. “Don’t let them fuck up world peace while I’m gone,” he had said as he stormed out the door.

“No, sir,” A replied, wiping the sweat from his brow as he closed the door. He gave the others a knowing look. “Stay busy, he’ll be back.”

“How do you know?” someone asked.

“He left his cigarettes,” A replied, nodding to the Major’s desk.

Glances were exchanged and the Alphabet seemed to exchange a conspiratorial look before continuing with their work. Five minutes later, the unmistakable sound of the Major’s footsteps could be heard coming from out in the hall. The office door opened and the Major stood on the threshold, scanning the desks of his agents, seeing them diligently working, their heads down, just as they always were while he was there. He gave a loud snort as he crossed to his desk, snatching up the “forgotten” pack of cigarettes.

Agent A jumped to his feet. “Is there anything special that needs to be completed in time for your return, sir?”

The Major thought a moment, lighting a cigarette at the same time. “No,” he replied as he slipped the pack into a pocket. “Just make sure everyone’s reports are on my desk when they’re supposed to be.”

“Yes, sir.”

With that, the Major tromped out the door, his mind turning to the conference he was to be attending.

A breathed a sigh of relief as he glanced over at the clock. Nearly time to go home. Fifteen minutes later, to A’s horror, the majority of the Alphabet rose as one, dropping folder after folder on his desk. “Good night, A,” each said in turn as the left for the night.

No, not just the night. The weekend, A suddenly realized, having forgotten until that moment that it was Friday. Dammit. Looks like another late dinner. I hope Gladys isn’t doing a roast, he thought as he picked up the phone.

Disaster again.

A learned that Gladys had indeed been making a roast, which had somehow caught fire. “The oven is…erm, well…” she said calmly. “Looks like dinner out. I’ve already made reservations at that new sports place you wanted to try.”

A looked at the pile of folders that had been deposited on his desk and realized there was no way he would get through them in a few hours. He would have to return on Saturday to make sure everything was in order for when the Major returned.

“That’s why I love you,” he said as he got to his feet, tossing things into his desk drawers as he spoke. “You’re such an intelligent woman.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m married to an Intelligence agent.”

A grinned. No matter how many times he heard it, this still made him laugh. “I’ll be home in-”

“No need,” Gladys interrupted. “I’ve got a ride.”

This came as a surprise. “You seeing someone behind my back?”

“Who could possibly take your place?” came the sweet reply. “Mrs. Lapp’s grandson is visiting. He’s very kindly offered to drive me, since he happens to be taking his grandmother out on the town.”

A’s eyebrows went up. That he would like to see. The feisty eighty year old Mrs. Lapp going out on the town with her twenty year old grandson. “I’ll see you there in…” He glanced at the clock. “Half an hour.”

* * *

The restaurant in question was new, and apparently very popular from what A had heard. This was verified when he arrived to find that it seemed to be packed. Or at least the bar was. The owner was an American who had decided to bring the “Sports Bar” design he was used to to Bonn. The only difference being, the football games being shown on various televisions affixed to the walls was what the owner still insisted on calling “soccer,” if only to amuse and/or annoy his patrons.

The bar had opened just prior to the World Cup, and had run a series of specials to entice the locals to come in and watch the game on “the big screen,” which was in a sunken area of the bar with tables set up so all could see the action.

That was several months ago, but the ploy seemed to have worked, Agent A observed. The big screen area was filled with a group currently yelling about some obvious oversight in the officiating.

Before A had the chance to look for his wife, she was beside him beaming in a way that made him wonder about later that evening. After they returned home for a quiet evening…

“I was afraid you’d be late,” Gladys said as she planted a kiss on her husband’s cheek.

A scowled. “Late?”

“We were afraid you’d actually start looking through those folders.”

A looked up to see Z crossing to him with an enormous grin on his face.

“I’m going back tomorrow…” A’s voice trailed off as other members of the Alphabet started to appear from the bar. “What is this?”

The others started to laugh.

“A covert mission,” Gladys grinned.

“The folders were empty,” Z informed.


“We needed something to delay you.” This was G. He looked over at Gladys. “Your wife would make a great agent.”

By this time, A’s head was swimming. He did not even recall how a drink ended up in his hand, but he was suddenly sipping one. Then someone came to say that the group’s room was ready. A few minutes later, A found himself installed at the head of a table while his fellow Alphabets toasted him.

“To Mr. A, our hero!” This was followed by a loud cheer.

After that, the agent discovered that “A” did not seem to be such a bad letter after all.


Scan of Gladys snagged from jinsai.

pairing-agent a/gladys, challenge-pyramid dares, challenge-subordinates, rating-g, author-margaret price, challenge-fanfic100

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