Welcome to the North Downs!

May 17, 2004 09:53

I'm so pleased you've decided to join us here at Castle Gloria. I'm your mod, Laura, and my job is to make sure everything runs smoothly... and, I hope, that this community spawns lots and lots of lovely new Eroica fic for us all to enjoy.

This community is modeled after other flashfic communities and thus shouldn't be anything too unusual, but here is a short rundown of the way things work.

Every two weeks, I will post a challenge. Each challenge will last for two weeks. Challenge responses should be at least 100 words long. You may also respond to challenges with fanart. Long fictional responses, non-work-safe responses, and art responses should be placed behind an LJ-cut out of consideration for community members on slow connections or who check LJ at work or in otherwise public locations.

If you would like, you may always post non-challenge-response Eroica fiction and art here. The same guidelines about the LJ-cut apply.

When you post, please identify whether the post is a challenge response or not.

You are encouraged to leave comments on various entries; however, please restrict your posting to fiction and art only. The place for Eroica discussion is our neighbor schlosseberbach.

Good luck and happy writing!

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