I did all of these a while back but couldn't get the one to Led Zeppelin's Kashmir to work because of size (and other) issues. However, Megaupload now has a video viewing feature. You can still download them, too, if you like.
Direct link to the folder containing all the song vids I have collected. -->
linky Take The Long Way Home -- My salute to the under appreciated Mr. A.
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linky Instant video
linky Can't Fight The Feeling -- Yeah, it's about the Major using full color illustrations.
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linky Dreamer -- Do I really have to say who this one centers on?
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linky Kashmir -- The full story "In'shallah" in 8:30 minutes and with 250 separate illustrations.
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linky Kashmir-Japanese -- The same as above only with scans from the original Japanese. hat tip to
norwayblue_eyes for translation of the ending credits into Japanese.
linky Instant video
linky AND... the fic archive is still up for grabs, as it were. If you haven't downloaded it, time is running out. Full info -->