Title: Material Witness-River WC: ~2400, this chapter
Rating: T
Summary: “He doesn’t know why he’s sitting on the floor with his back against the bed and the ancient past scattered around him. Nostalgia, he supposes. The thought tugs his eyelids closed and he thinks of her wide smile. He things of warm red wool, snug under her chin, lending hardly needed color to her cheeks. He thinks about the tantalizing end of the braid hanging over her shoulder and her capable fingers busy with the laces of her skates. He remembers every detail and wants to kiss her again.”
Spoilers: Set during Knockdown (3 x 13) and just after Limelight (6 x 13).
A/N: This was an offshoot of the epilogue of “Silent Night, Ferret Night,” inspired by the diabolical BerkieLynn. This two-shot is the 16th installment in this series, but the stories are pretty independent of one another.