Title: that which does not bend
airbeforeRating: NC-17
Spoiler Warning: All US aired episodes, vagueish spoilers for 5x04 (Murder, He Wrote)
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: It’s the game they play; four years of teasing comments and loaded looks swirling between them, egging them on. They’ve finally given into each other but they’ve never stopped teasing, chasing.
Author's Note: Promo pics inspired me. Sorry.
Cool ocean air drifts through the open french doors, the salt coating her skin and making her hair curl. Castle steps up behind her, an arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her back. She smiles and sinks into him, lets the heat of his chest melt the chill off her skin.