Been wanting to share photos for a long while now. And Mike finally found a cord to use for his camera, giving me access to some vital components of this entry. Enjoy friends!
Vacation: Mike and I went up north for a long 4th o July weekend. I've been seriously loving and saying yes! to Michigan. The feeling is truly forever.
Grass Bay Nature Preserve. On Lake Huron near Cheboygan.
This is a very special place. Not real easy to find. It's across the street from Thirsty's Bar.
rare Pitcher's Thistle
also: Cheboygan = a record collector's paradise? Mike and I went to an antique store in downtown Cheboygan, where the owner said he had "60,000 records." We only saw a fraction of those, but did achieve some nice finds in less than 2 hours.
these, among 27 others and four glasses. We also got some Petoskey stones, but not at the antique place.
Biostation. Best Science Camp ever.
Plant TV:
Me 7 years ago. Actually Mike's sister, Katie, in front of her cabin.
Biostation Sports
Good Hart beach.
Marram Grass. An effective dune stabilizer. Yes. Yes, it is.
Current Times.
My job place
Mike's job place
Back in Time.
I only have a few photos from the Home Items / Bübble Güm show (courtesy of Stacy and Chris and their camera), but there is a DVD of the show floating around (courtesy of Greg).
Practice at Thoughtfaucet Studio before the show. We were waiting for Bübble Güm to arrive from Germany.
Bübble Güm euro-trash dance party opening act
Home Items
Super fun times. Many illustrious citizens were in attendance and they all had very positive things to say about Home Items. Here are but a few of their comments:
"I wish Home items would play every night." -Davey Fletcher Z. of the Smittens
"home items is the bomb.
bubblegoom brought the beats
suckers to those that missed this treat,
and i had pie for breakfast.
i wish there was gonna be another show......" -C. Brodie of the Cush
"Home Items needs to go on the road! You guys could be the opening band for someone. Or, like, the opening band for the opening band of someone!" -Manisha P., a scientist
The last Nest Material Show
Greenhouse Research
A potluck where Mike, SRB, Aaron Dream Jeans and Geoff the Cheese Guy were there
love, michelle