Title: Ephemeris, Ch. 15 WC: ~1700 this chapter, 38,000 total so far
Summary: "He wants something, and he has definite ideas about how this will go. Just like the diner. And just like the diner, she bites her tongue. She doesn't say her lines. He's waiting for just that, and not giving him what he wants-what he expects-has brought her this far."
A/N: I decided to split this chapter. Posting it simultaneously with Chapter 16. Chapter 17 will be the epilogue.
Title: Ephemeris, Ch. 16 WC: ~2200 this chapter, 40,000 total so far
Summary: "He hates her, she realizes. It's a step up from irritation. From dismissal. A step up from the diner parking lot and it curves her lips into a hard smile. He sees it. He answers in kind."