Legs: A Sharp-Dressed Man Sequel (Castle, 5 x 20, The Fast and The Furriest)

May 22, 2013 10:19

Title: Legs: A Sharp-Dressed Man Sequel

WC: ~7000

Rating: M

Summary: "He may not have mastered it-art or science or wizardry or whatever teasing Kate Beckett comes down to-but he's not prepared to say he's doing it wrong exactly. " Sharp-Dressed Man was a silly PWP insert (ahem) for 5 x 20, the Fast and the Furriest. This is the sequel to that. No real spoilers. It would be delightful, though, if you read Sharp-Dressed Man first.

A/N: Hmmm. Where to place the blame here. First on Luke Reichle, because I invite you to review Beckett's sleep shorts at the beginning of Still. Tell me these are not the tiny camouflage shorts of retaliation. Second, Cora Clavia, because she is pretty much always to blame for pr0n and she clamored for this. But also Tree23 and ms_TGR who showed a certain enthusiasm for a sequel.

author: pollylynn, genre: humor, genre: romance, rating: nc-17, character: kate beckett, character: rick castle, pairing: castle/beckett

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