Title: Wish List 2: A Challenge for Master D
headrush100Pairings: Castle/Beckett with an instance of Castle/Master D
Word Count: 11,454
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None - it’s a PWP that takes place some time in the future.
Warnings: Safe, sane & consensual, but extremely graphic smut with BDSM, medical kink, play reluctance (not real reluctance), spanking, and M/M/F.
Summary: When Kate admits how much she enjoys M/M erotica, a challenging evening lies before our heroes.
Please note that everything in this fic is safe, sane, consensual, and done under a dom’s supervision. Everything is agreed in advance and done lovingly and with respect. I tried very hard to keep it as in character as possible, and to make it as plausible as possible within the context of the story.
She let herself into her apartment, and was faced with both Castle and Master D. He looked every inch the dom now, with black leather jeans and a bare chest. She didn’t need to interrogate them to know they’d been colluding, and she was going to come off the worse for it I’ve created a special kink filter for fics like this. If you would like to read this fic and aren’t on the filter, you can opt in by leaving a comment (comments are screened)
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