Title: Silent Night, Ferret Night, Chapter 5 WC: ~4300 Ch. 5, ~16,300 total
Rating: T
Summary: "I'm sorry, Beckett." Ryan was sorry. Sorry dripped from every syllable. "I'm sorry. It's . . . ferret related."
Spoilers: Set at the very end of Secret Santa (5x09), so spoilers for that. This is set in the same universe as Muppet 47's brilliantly funny "Waiting Game." She is kindly loaning me the Furry Christmas Evil.
A/N: Oh, dear. It got long. But I really think this is the penultimate chapter. Maybe an epilogue after the last? But we are closing in, friends. Your cackles and flails and helpless anaerobic laughter please me more than I can say. Thank you, thank you for riding the crazy train with me and this metabolically suspect ferret.