Title: I Ignite WC: ~4500 (chapter 2; ~7800 total)
Rating: M (See? Surprise porn in chapter 2.)
Summary: It's her birthday and she's shivering in the street. Stalking back and forth doing damage control. The fury is practically rolling off her and she's going to kill him.
Spoilers: Set on Kate's birthday this year. Glancing spoilers for Probable Cause and Swan Song.
A/N: As promised, chapter 2. Just thought this was a bit long to post as a single chapter and the second half needed some polishing. Thanks so much for taking this little ride with me. In case you're curious, burning things down is apparently this thing I do. In two different songs, I started out from very pleasant happy memories only to find that I then burned the situation down. So Caskett should not take it personally. I love them and want them to be happy. And naked. And not actually on fire. Just kind of fire adjacent.