Title: Ghoulies and Ghosties
Fandoms: Castle
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Horror, Angst, Fluff.
Details: Slash, genre!crack, horror elements, folklore, scary stories.
Wordcount: 1,840
Characters/Pairings: Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan.
Summary: It's past midnight on their first Halloween together, and Kevin and Javier are finally ready to talk about it. Sort of. (Sequel to "
Trick or Treat")
Notes: Written for the
spook_me challenge (a bit late, but not bad compared to my usual definition of "late"). Since I'd written several supernatural and horror fics in the past, I asked to be given a creature prompt instead of choosing one myself. The creature I was assigned was "bogeyman", which immediately had my mind leap back to this 'verse. So instead of an actual new story, you get a coda/sequel instead.
Also, I have to acknowledge that the scene was partially inspired by
apodiopsys's story "
Call It What You Want".
This year, they had each needed the silence-the normalcy-of a quiet night in. )