Title: Descent
Characters/Pairings: Beckett/Castle
Word Count: ~25000
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Au (if that counts as a warning)
Spoiler alert: Rise, Cops & Robbers
Summary: In a perfect world, neither of them would have been shot. But this is not a perfect world, and Kate's only now beginning to figure that out.
Author's Notes: I got to wondering how different things would have been if it had been Castle that was shot instead of Kate. What would be the same and what would be different? This is my first multi-chapter story for Castle, so it was a little daunting, but I've enjoyed writing it immensely. The main title and all chapter titles are taken from the William Carlos Williams poem The Descent. I must warn you up front: there are going to be times that Kate seems a little out of character. That's intentionally done, because the situation she's dealing with is so far outside her comfort zone that she just can't get her head around it. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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