Title: All We'd Ever Need
Characters/Pairings: Castle/Beckett (eventually)
Total Word Count: 18,403
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler alert: Season 3 -- this was written before season 4. It's old, but I'm trying to get all my older stuff on LJ.
Summary: What happens to Richard Castle and Kate Beckett if she agrees to marry another man?
Author's Notes: This story takes place, let’s say around the beginning of season 4. Except in my world, Roy is still alive and Kate was never shot. I actually got the idea from the Lady Antebellum song, “All We’d Ever Need.” This isn’t really a song-fic, but that’s where the inspiration came from.
Thanks to
callsign_buzz and
sparkles_mouse for beta-reading! I really appreciate all your help.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8 (final chapter)