Fic: Page Six, Castle, PG-13, (7/7)

Aug 17, 2011 18:28

Title: Page Six
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG-13 (language, violence and adult concepts)
Word Count: 15,336(total story)
Pairing: Caskett (Castle/Beckett)
Spoilers: Knockdown spoilers. Minor mentions from S3's Law & Murder and Slice of Death
Disclaimer: Characters are abc's, Marlowe's and Bowman's and anyone else that gets paid to play, I don't so they are not mine, but I did write this story ;)
Summary: The latest article for Page Six drops a bomb on Beckett and Castle's world.
A/N: Final story in what I've affectionately dubbed The Twitterpated Trilogy, the first parts can be found here in my fic archive list.

Page Six - Chapter 7/Epilogue

character: alexis castle, series, character: lanie parish, rating: pg-13, chapter fic, character: rick castle, character: javier esposito, author: mac_beth13, character: kate beckett, character: kevin ryan

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