
Jun 03, 2011 11:33

Title: Bardo
Author: xleste
Raiting: G
Characters/Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Spoilers: 3x24 "Knockout"
Disclaimer: Purely for entertainment, not profit. Don't own! :)

This begins after Kate runs to Roy after he's shot in 3x24, "Knockout". It started because I was caught by the moment where Kate looks at Rick and says, "If you're very lucky, you find someone willing to stand with you". I started wondering about what could have happened in the time between a death and a funeral, because it's usually at least a couple of days, and what if there was even more at stake than we as viewers knew. I still think there are worlds of unsaid things between them, and yet, I could also see a universe where a lot more got said than was shown in that episode - which actually makes the episode all the more poignant for me, the sense of possibility heightened. I hope you enjoy this. :) It is NOT a post-episode fix, though who knows where the muse goes...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

character: lanie parish, character: josh davidson, character: jim beckett, genre: drama, rating: pg, character: rick castle, pairing: castle/beckett, character: javier esposito, genre: romance, character: kate beckett, author: xleste, genre: hurt/comfort

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