Series title: Therapy (2/?)
Story title: A Lever and a Place to Stand (Follows
Fire and Ice)
Genre: Romance, Post-cliffhanger therapy, hurt/comfort (duh)
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Warnings: Assume spoilers for everything up to and especially 3x24. Won't make sense unless you've seen that episode. Will violently spoil you for that episode
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: Give him a lever and a place to stand, and he might just be able to move Kate Beckett.
Notes: So, the finale ended, I watched it again, sat there blinking for a few hours, and then started to write. This is open-ended therapy (hence the series title), and I'll keep working on it until I get tired or the new season starts and the whole damn things gets Jossed. I assume at least four hundred other people are going to write similar stories, and I don't care, like I said, this is therapy, I'm just willing to share. Read
Fire and Ice first. Still unbetaed, though I'm open to constructive criticism. Email at jenrose at jenrose dot com.
Fake cut to Dreamwidth Fake cut to LJ Read it at either place, the story is the same.