Title: Lucid
Characters/Pairings: Kate Beckett/Richard Castle
Word Count: 2.1K
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Alcohol, swearing, undetailed kissing.
Spoiler alert: Season 2 Finale spoilers.
Summary: In that one moment, Kate was certain she had never been more lucid, with her door broken in and empty wine bottles all around her. Spoilers for the season two finale. Oneshot. Castle/Beckett.
Notes: Oh my. Did I just write het? Yes, I did. It wasn't preplanned, I swear. I just watched the season finale of Castle and it pissed me off. I actually teared up a little in frustration. So I made my own brief, unedited ending to the season.
Disclaimer: I disclaim any and all rights to Castle, its plot, characters, and all other rights therein. I am making no money off of this and no copyright infringement is intended.
Lucid )