Well, this is my first post here. I've had the account since the fall, but with Haunted House news sparse till spring, didn't have much to write about. But now at least there is some news about our TV show, Midnight Monster Hop
Cast member Autumn
kaijugal and I just returned from a week in Las Vegas at the NATPE convention. this is where deals are started to get TV shows out on the air, and even on other platforms as well.
It was by far the toughest and most frustrating con experience either of us have ever had. But why wouldn't it be. We're used to Sf cons, Anime cons, Magic, Clown, and Costume Cons. and here we are selling one small Horror Movie show, right down the aisle ( really) from ABC, CBS, NBC, and such.
Add to that, the sales people we brought with us, with alleged knowledge of the industry, where pretty much useless, and we were in for a tough road, nothing they said would happen, did.
Sales and deals did not happen at all like we thought. not because of lack of interest, but the way they are made was 180 degrees off what we thought.
But we both busted hard and grabbed every chance we could to get some attention. Which ran the gamut from taping a segment for the Jay Leno show( who knows if/when it will air) to pitching a Halloween episode to an all christian morning talk show ( hey, I got bills to pay, I'll try anything), to Flav a flav himself making comments on Autumn's ample body parts.( all positive)
So we came home knowing we were popular, but also knowing we did not do things the way we should have, if our business guys had been even 1% prepared. And we tried to have vegas fun to at least enjoy the trip.
Well, I guess we did okay, as first thing this morning ( first business day since the show) the phone rang with the first offer for a distributor to take the show and get it on in many many markets around the US.
We also are starting to get interest internationally as well, and most of those, knock out a full country at a time, not city by city like here.
So everyone keep your fingers crossed.
If there's a station in your market that we would be good for. call or email them and tell them, because more than likely, they will be getting contacted by our new guys pretty soon.