1. The world needs a Christie/Chalionverse crossover fic where Miss Marple is a saint of the Father. (No, I'm not planning to write it.)
2. Before reaching the age of two, Youngest Son has learned to unlock an iPod screen. (He also desperately wants to plug in the charger cord, but since it's an older pod and that cord is no longer being made, I'm discouraging this.)
3. Middle Son was in a mood the other day, so when he'd calmed himself down, I made up a story about Clarence, the train from Mirkwood who wanted to go to the island of Sodor and visit Thomas. (It also involved Godzilla, a boat that wanted to be a plane, a plane that wanted to be a boat, and Kehaar the gull.) It went over very well.
4. The biggest roadblock in genetic genealogy is people who don't answer emails. I can understand with someone who tested on 23andMe, because they might just be interested in the health info and don't give a flip about genealogy, but if you tested on FamilyTreeDNA and aren't interested, why did you spend the money?
5. Finding a first cousin who you didn't know existed, though, is pretty cool.
6. This was on the side of my family where I assume there are close cousins that I don't know about, and even a surprise aunt/uncle wouldn't be that much of a surprise. If it were the other side of my family, I'd be a little more taken aback, but I'd like to think that my ultimate reaction would still be "unexpected relative! cool!"
7. Duolingo is a fun way to learn the rudiments of a foreign language.
8. The text portion of Jennie Lindquist's The Golden Name Day may be in the public domain; it doesn't show up in the Stanford copyright renewal database, though Garth Williams's illustrations do, and The Little Silver House was definitely renewed (and The Crystal Tree is copyright 1964, so was auto-renewed by later U.S. copyright laws). I still hope that Lindquist's heirs will rerelease the books, but The Golden Name Day might actually qualify for Project Gutenberg release....
Crossposted from
http://castiron.dreamwidth.org/55435.html; comment where you like.