[insert random commentary on the Rhinemaidens' costumes, though actually they do a darn good job singing while suspended]
Spouse: What kind of costume is Alberich supposed to be wearing?
Castiron: Maybe he's an extra from The Hobbit.
[On better look, he's clearly an extra from the pay-per-view edition of The Hobbit.]
Spouse: Hey, Alberich looks like Lister from Red Dwarf.
Spouse: It's glam-rock Wotan! Hey, Wotan looks like Meatloaf.
Castiron: Rocky Horror Ring Cycle?
Castiron: Oh, that's why they did that thing with Wotan's hairstyle; it's to show that he's one-eyed.
Spouse: What, they couldn't temporarily surgically remove the singer's eye for the duration of the show? There's no dedication to art anymore.
[large chunk of opera missed due to older son arriving home, but it's nice background music]
Spouse: My, the costume designers were really inspired by American pop culture; I swear that I've seen the guy playing Loge on Saturday Night Live.
Spouse: Oh, now I recognize him! It's Eraserhead!
Castiron: What, like the David Lynch movie?
Spouse: Yeah! And didn't John Lithgow once play a creepy role where he had that hairstyle?
Castiron: ....
Overall, good enough that we'll likely watch the next three nights (and I'll likely buy the DVD if one is released); I'm hoping the Ride of the Valkyries occurs when younger son is still awake, as he recognizes the music from The Blues Brothers.
Tangentially, someone *has* to have written a Thor fanfic where Thor and Loki watch the Ring Cycle and Loki snarks the inaccuracies.
Crossposted from
http://castiron.dreamwidth.org/45648.html; comment where you like.