overheard in the Castiron household: observations on various media

May 11, 2012 22:26

morning, after older son's fifteenth repetition of a four-note phrase

Spouse: Who has more to answer for? The CEO of J.P. Morgan for causing global financial crisis, or the creators of the new Muppet movie for bringing the song "We Built This City" into the consciousness of children everywhere?

Castiron: Hey, I like that song!

[older son begins sixteenth repetition; spouse just Looks]


evening, after watching some episodes on Youtube

Spouse: James May's Man Lab is like the best parts of Top Gear crossed with The Red Green Show.

(Yes, that's meant to be a positive statement. Yep, I know what someone's getting for Father's Day.)

Crossposted from http://castiron.dreamwidth.org/42339.html; comment where you like.


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