Not good.

Nov 15, 2005 22:51

50 random facts about myself.

1. I don't go on the computer as much as I used to.
2. LOST and America's Next Top Model are my favorite shows.
3. Contacts irritate my eyes badly so lately I haven't worn any form of vision,except   I carry a pair of old glasses around with me.
4. Green is my favorite color.
5. I analyze everything and that is one of the reason I feel I was meant to be psychologist.
6. I want to go to Boston University more than anything I've ever wanted, or Emerson, UMASS, or Northeastern.
7. I love Massachusetts so much, I feel I belong there or at least that part of my life should be spent there.
8. I have a lot lot lot of family in Mass.
9. I want to vacation in St. Barts and Bora Bora.
10. Music is good for me.
11. I'm not happy.
12. I haven't been in quite some time.
13. I think I'm a manic depressive.
14. I like when people are naturally funny, not people who try to be funny to get attention.
15. I hate when I say something to someone and then they say it to someone else as if they thought of it.
16. A lot of people think I'm smart, but I don't think I am.
17. A lot of people think I'm smart without really knowing if I am or not, it's like they assume.
18. It's not that I'm mature, I think that I am a 40 year old woman in a 16 year old's body.
19. I'm a little bitter and I'm not really sure for what reason.
20. When I was little I buried a photograph and when my uncle asked me if I did it I tried to blame it on the dog.
21. Also when I was younger I was watching Alice in Wonderland and my sister would not finish watching the movie with me, so I threw the movie in the garbage. I was scared of the card people.
22. I remember almost everything, even the stupidest details.
23. I've never been on a diving board or even seen one in person.
24. I didn't learn to swim or ride a bike until I was in 1st grade.
25. I'm a horrible, horrible swimmer.
26. I almost drowned 3 times. (before I learned to swim)
27. My best friends are Wesley, Fariba, Karina, and Sinead.
28. Sinead Daly and I have been friends since we were 4.
29. I love Irish people such as Sinead and her family, Damien Rice, and Corey.
30. When I see sharp objects my eyes start to feel like the objects are coming straight at my eyes and I kind of panic.
31. My mom goes to The Roundup every weekend.
32. My dad cheated on my mom throughout their marriage and impregnated another woman while my mom was pregnant with my little sister.
33. I found out that I had another sister about 2 years ago.
34. My dad got married this summer to the woman he left my mom for a couple years ago(different woman)and told me the day before.
35. My uncle Matt (20 years old) is one of my best friends.
36. I always feel suffocated.
37. I wish I could find more genuine people.
38. I don't think I'll ever find these people.
39. I'm quiet and it makes me less approachable, I like it that way sometimes.
40. I am an insomniac and I am always tired, always.
41. I think having a child is the most beautiful thing and I can't wait to have kids one day.
42. My kids will be Kyan Alexandre and Sienna Noelle.
43. I'm Colombian and Uruguayan.
44. I often get talks on why I should be proud that I am Colombian from my dad.
45. I feel so bad when I can't understand his English.
46. Xiara is my sister and Andres is my brother.
47. I love my family so much.
48. I'm obsessive compulsive about mascara, I have to wear it.
49. I'm emotional in every way.
50. I think I'm a decent person.
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