Let's Dance [[4/5]] Is This Where We Say Goodbye?

Sep 08, 2010 06:14

Title: Let's Dance [[4/5]] Is This Where We Say Goodbye

Rating: Teen

Word Count:

aw, I'm kinda sad to see how close I am to finishing this verse. It's for Karissa, theinsaneeraser

Sam fell against his bed, yawning against the pillow. It was long past midnight, him and Gabriel had been out at dinner for hours. He smiled, hiding his face deeper in the pillow.

"Oi, Sasquatch." he slowly lifted his head up, turning to look at the desk. His brother leaned against it, arms crossed and looking down.

"Dean..." Sam sat up, swing his long legs off the bed. "What're you doing up?"

"What were you doing out?" Dean tossed back, looking up to find his brother's eyes. Sam freezes.

"I thought you and Cas were asleep, or I would've let you-"

"Dad trusted me to take care of you."

"You are taking care of me," Sam stood up, crossing the few feet to stand in front of Dean. He took a moment to glance towards Samiel's vacant bed, where a dark red silk dress was laid out. "I was out on a date."

"And whoever she is was so important you didn't leave a single, damn note!?"

"He.." Sam whispered, not making eye contact.

"Excuse me?"

"He," the taller Winchester repeated, chancing a glance at Dean's face. His brother looked taken aback, and was staring at him.

"So... no nephews or nieces."

"I don't think it's gonna last. He lives here, and we travel all the time. It couldn't work," Sam's relieved by their ability to move on so quick, and sits back on the bed. "He's great though, perfect. He has sisters, he's gorgeous, a bit of a sweet tooth..."

"Am I gonna meet him?"

"What part of 'it won't work' don't you understand, Dean?" Dean looked thoughtful, then sad, then forced a smile.

"Come on Sammy. Things work out. And you know you don't have to come with us."

"I know, but..."Sam sighed, setting his head in his hands. "I've spent my whole life trailing after you, Dean, and it would be weird if suddenly I didn't see you every day. Not seeing Michael and Lucifer argue, Samiel blasting her odd music. The Impala, Cas."

"He could be good for you."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, he could be good for you. You've been so down lately and I think it'd be good for you to settle down for a bit."

"He probably wouldn't want me around that long." Dean sighed, rubbing his eyes. A knock at the door interrupted the moment, and the eldest Winchester raised an eye brow at Sam who shrugged.

"Who is it?"

"Anna," Sam smiled slightly, opening the door to the reveal the redhead, who held a very embarrassed brunette to her side. "I'm looking for Shelle."

"Dean, where's Samiel?"

"She's in Lucifer's room, they're watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Dean looked thoroughly confused as him and the two girls followed Sam.

"Our brother's here too, but he's waiting downstairs." Anna explained, following the tall man eagerly.

"Is he?"

"He wants us to go out for coffee, to catch up ya know?"

"That's a good idea," Sam urged her, making Dean raise an eyebrow as they unlocked Lucifer's door.

I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.

Both men stopped in the doorway, staring at the tv. Samiel was squirming in Lucifer's lap, singing along to Tim Curry. "What the hell is this?"

"It's a cult classic, shut up." Lucifer muttered, watching intently. Dean bust out laughing, covering his mouth when the blonde man looked over to glare. "Who're the pretty broads?"

"Shelley?" Samiel froze, turning her head to stare at Anna, who looked unsure of herself.

"Annie..." the ravenette struggled to get out of Satan's lap, running towards the older woman. She threw her arms around her, narrowly missing Sam's face, and held onto Anna as thoguh she was terrified of losing her.

"I missed you," Anna whispered, hugging back tightly. The brunette girl with her smiled softly and looked up at Dean with her pretty grey eyes.

"I'll be back with their brother," Dean nodded watching her go before returning his eyes to the scene. Lucifer watched the sisters intently, head tilted and running a head through his hair.

"I'm gonna go shave..." he muttered, clearly uncomfortable with the situation and retreating to the bathroom.

"Bout time he got rid of that beard," Sam muttered, his brother nodding in agreement. Samiel finally pulled away from her sister, wiping her eyes.

"So... who was the pretty girl?" she asked shakily, pulling her sister to the bed and sitting.

"Karissa Demore, the girl I told you about."

"So she's the famous Kari?" Sam smiled, turning and walking away fromt he room.

"Going somewhere Gigantor?" he stopped. "So you're staying here huh?"

Sam turned around, to face Gabriel who was leaning on Lucifer's doorframe, watching the two girls inside. Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Sammy, who's this?"

"This is... this is Gabriel."

"That means alot," Dean replied sarcastically, pushing off the door to get in Gabriel's face. "What's your business here?"

"I'm here to see my sister," Gabriel turned around, coming face to face with Sam. "And apparently you know her."

"They... they're your sisters?"

"Sure are. Anna and Michelle Milton."

"Samiel's my roommate."

"You never-"

"No, of course not! She seemed to have some sort of brain defect so I never touched her."

"Will you people keep it down!" Castiel yelled from his room, the same time Samiel yelled 'I don't have a defect!" Gabriel chuckled, turning back to Dean who had taken up a protective position next to Sam.

"I suppose you're Dean, huh?"

"You better believe it."

"Uh huh, save the macho. I'm not gonna hurt him." Gabriel looked up at Sam who ran a hand through is hair.

"This is the guy I was telling you about," he muttered to Dean, who suddenly looked amused. He made an 'ahhh,' sound and chuckled.

"Do you want my brother around?"


"Shut up, sam."

"Do I want Sasquatch around, huh?" Gabriel tapped his chin, pretending to think as his youngest sister wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. He squeezed one hand, using the other to brush his hair back. "I wouldn't mind."

"We're leaving soon," Sam sounded pained, and it killed Dean.

"Just stay here," he urged his brother, squeezing his arm.

"I have no where to stay."

"I have a spare room, if you don't mind sharing hot water with two girls."

"I'm not that bad," Karissa piped up, pouting. The ginger rolled his eyes, while soemhow managing to eye Lucifer, who had come back clean shaven. Samiel raised an eyebrow, but reached out with a tentative hand that stopped inches from his face. Gabriel turns around to stare at his sibling, who finally seems to gather the courage and touch the now hairless skin on Lucifer's pale cheek.

Sam thinks it's cute.

Gabriel busts out laughing.

Dean tries to figure out when this happened.

Cas throws a book at his boyfriend's head for being too loud.

Samiel looked back at the large assemblement of her friends and family, looking embarrassed as if she had just realized her and the blonde weren't alone.

"How long are you guys gonna be in town?" Gabriel asked her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He glared at Lucifer with those gorgeous caramel eyes and the blonde raised an eyebrow.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning," she murmured, cuddling her back into her brother. "We're going to England."

Gabriel nodded slowly, frowning. "How long will you be out of country?"

"Not sure, it varies." Dean answered, when it became obvious Samiel didn't know. "Could be months, or weeks."

"And when are you coming home to stay?" Anna interjected, before her brother could ask anything else.

"Anna, I can't come back yet. I need to experience the world, live a little, maybe meet a nice guy to bring home."

"You mean, your not with tall, dark, and gorgeous over there?" Lucifer blushed, scratching his head slightly.

"We're not together," he said carefuly, gauging the embarrassed ravenette's reaction. Her pale face had turned a light shade of pink, and she was fiddling with an angel wing necklace.

"It's not like that," She assured Gabriel when he growled at the blonde. "We haven't done anything more than cuddle in our sleep."

Sam shook his head, pulling away from the small group and heading back to his room. He pushed open the glass doors that led to the balcony, and rested his elbows on the railing. He didn't heart the door open and clsoe softly, so absorbed as he was.

Gabriel leaned his lower back against the railing, looking at Sam's face. "Sp, when I asked you out I didn't know you were traveling."

"It's something my dad and us have always done. Then we picked up Lucifer and Michael, then Samiel, and Castiel." Gabriel snorted, making Sam raise an eyebrow.

"All angel names, four in a row."

"Tomorrow's gonna be the first time we leave the country."

"So you're leaving, huh?"

"I don't know," Sam answered truthfully. "I really don't."

"You could stay," the ginger offers carefully, looking up at the stars.

"I'll think about it, but in the meantime..." Sam smiled. "Stay. You, Anna and Karissa. Stay with us tonight."


prompt, supernatural

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