Let's Dance [[3/?]] Glowing Like The Metal on the Edge of A Blade

Sep 05, 2010 15:24

Title: Let's Dance: Glowing Like The Metal on the Edge of the Blade

There's two references in here. One to Changing Channels and the other to Jared Padalecki getting ready to film. Can you pick them out?

For Karissa, love you!

"Going somehwere, Gigantor?" Sam turned around, to find the ginger haired man that had haunted his thoughts since the night before. He's stretched out on his stomach, on a tall brick wall across from him, his arm hanging over the edge. His ginger hair's unslicked, falling against his face and adding to the dangerous sense of humour Sam swears he can see in his eyes.

He sits up, stretching his arms lazily as he watches Sam. He's wearing a dark green button up with the first three buttons undone over a black shirt. Sam could swear he saw AC/DC but the ginger jumps down and smooths out his dark slacks and starts towards the brunette.

"So, Sasquatch," Sam wondered briefly why everyone loved calling him that, but was cut off by the pale man leaning intoh is personal space. "What's your name?"

"Nu-uh, you brought me out here. You're going to tell me, who you are."

The man chuckles, running a hand through his hair and looking up with those green-almost brown-yet honey eyes. That dangerous amusement is back, and Sam almost considers running. "Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel."


"Alright, Sammy. What say you we go inside?"

"I say, you don't call me Sammy, Gabe." Gabriel chuckles, apparently not minding the nickname. He smirks, leading the taller man inside. Sam saw the petite redhead from before, sitting at a table with a pretty, tall brunette. If it hadn't been for the brunette's red sweater, he mgiht've missed them.

"I need to ask that girl something." Gabriel stops at the words, turning to assess the younger Winchester.

"Ask her what?"

"I think she knows a friend of mine." Gabriel sighs, nodding at a table near the back.

"I'll be over there." Sam thanked the man, heading towards the redhead's table. She looks up at him with midnight blue eyes, running her fingers through her hair.

"Can I help you?" she asked, resting her chin on the heel of her hand. The brunette across from her looked slightly disappointed, but looked up at Sam.

"Do you know a girl named Michelle?" the redhead sits up slightly straighter, glancing at Gabriel who looked impatient.

"Michelle Milton."

"Oh... must be the wrong girl then. Sorry to have wasted your-"

"Serafim. It's what she goes by now-a-days. I'm her older sister," she took a sip of her water, looking back up. "Anna. Is she okay?"

"She's fine," Sam reassured her, holding his hands up placatingly. "I saw you the other day and thought you looked alot like her." Anna smiled slightly, stirring her soda with a straw and nodding.

"People say that all the time..."

"Well, we're staying at a hotel across town, if you wanted to stop by and see her." He held out a small card that the hotel had given him, watching the way her pale face lit up. The brunette across from her smiled softly, before looking up at Sam with grey eyes that seemed to say, 'Please leave?'

He took the hint, and made his way back to Gabriel who rolls his eyes as he sits down. He took that as a 'Finally' and chuckled. "So... do I get to know what all the smoke and mirrors were?" he asked. Gabriel smirks again, and Sam thought it must be permanant.

"Why do things the conventional way? It's over done, overrated, and overly boring."

"And you just knew I was going to show up?"

"I saw the way you looked at me," Gabriel leaned back in his chair, motioning for a waiter. "Shirley Temple and a Coke for the big guy." Sam raised an eyebrow.

"How'd you know I'd get Coke?"

"You look like a Coke guy. Was I wrong?"

"Well, no."

"Then stop complaining, big boy." Gabriel ran a hand through his hair again, glaring at a few strands that fell into his face, and scrunching his nose. "So, how old are you?"

"Twenty-three. And you?"

"Twenty five." The waiter returned with their drinks, looking disgusted at Anna and the girl with her, only to get his foot stomped on by Gabriel, who looked as though nothing had happened. As their waiter limped off, Sam tilted his head. "Any family?"

"I have a brother, and if things between him and Cas get anymore serious, I'll have a brother in law." SAm smiled slightly, playing with his straw. Gabriel tilts his head. "I'm glad he found someone to be happy with."

"And what about you?"


"Someone to be happy with."

"Oh..." Sam glanced at the ceiling, thinking. "Well, I had a girlfriend once, Jess. But she left me for some girl."

"Wow... tough."

"Yeah, Lillith was kinda scary though. But Jess seems happy with her." Gabriel took a sip of his sweet soda, watching.

"You still talk to her?"

"All the time, we're still friends. My friend says it's like I'm begging for her to come back." Sam chuckled. "But I'm fine with it."

"That's good. The friends part I mean," Gabriel elaborated at the raised eyebrow his date sent him.

"Do you have someone?"

"Me and this girl Kali used to date. She met some other guy, left me. What kinda name is Baldur?" Sam raises an eyebrow.

"It's the name of a God."

"Yeah, and Gabriel's an angel. Doesn't make it a less embarrassing name."

"I like it," Sam shrugged, glancing up at the waitress who was standing patiently there. So the waiter must've changed tables.

Not that he minded.

The waitress, who's name tag read Julie, smiled sweetly at Sam, and shifted her weight to one foot. "What can I get you sweetheart?" she asked in a bright voice. Gabriel raised an eyebrow, though his smirk never left his lips.

Sam ordered some sort of pasta dish he'd heard of but never tried, and a salad. Gabriel, along with another order of Shirley Temple with extra cherries and syrup, ordered a rare steak with broccoli.

Sam had a feeling the poor broccoli would be ignored.

"Do you have family?" he asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Gabriel smiles slightly.

"A few sisters. One's a royal pain in my ass and I haven't seen the other in years."

"Yeah? What're they like?" Gabriel grinned, and the two stuck up an interesting conversation on their siblings, what they had wanted to be when they grew up, parents... Soon they were laughing like they'd known each other for years. They were extremely different, though, Sam noticed.

Sam liked salad and research. Waking up early and half-caf vanilla lattes.

Gabriel liked candy and goofing off. Sleeping late and white chocolate mocha.

They spent ten minutes, playfully arguing over whether Twizzlers or Airhead Extremes were better. Gabriel won, but only because Sam didn't think you could turn Airheads into sex toys.

"Why'd you ask me here?" Sam asks as their pie arrives. He toys with his banana cream, watching the ginger hard. Gabriel hums slightly and takes a bite of his chocolate pie, watching his date.

"I liked you. You were cute, I saw you help that little girl when she lost her mom, told the guys who were picking on my friend off." he shrugged, glancing up at the ceiling. "You were... interesting."

"I'm really not."

"Are you kidding?" Gabriel looks back at him, eyedbrow raised. "You just argued with me over which candy was best. I think you're pretty freakin' interesting." Sam smiled slightly, looking down as a blush creeps up his neck.

"You're pretty interesting yourself." Gabriel shrugs and they finish their pie in silence.

"My sister'll be wondering what's taking so long..."

"Same, I didn't tell my brother I was headed out," Sam agreed, standing up and fishing out his wallet. Gabriel shook his head, smirking slightly.

"It was already dealt with."


"While you were in he bathroom." Sam shook his head, smiling and holding his hand out to help the older man up. "So... am I gonna see you again, Samsquatch?"

"Do you want to?"

"Well, what  I really want is your number." Gabriel stops in front of the bus station, watching Sam scrawl his number down quickly before the driver closed the door on him. Gabriel watched the bus, waving.

"Damnit! He didn't give me a kiss!"

supernatural, s

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