Locked Out and Fed Up

Nov 26, 2010 13:50

Title: Locked Out and Fed Up

Prompt: Sharing a locker/ Body: Back

Word: --


Warnings: sad!Cas

Castiel watched Dean hog to his locker, opening it easily. The ravenette frowned at his own locker, annoyed. It woouldn't open, no matter how hard he tried.

He rattled the combination lock once more, spinning the numbers; right, left, right. 12, 32,10. Still, nothing.

"DAmnit!" he swore loudly, attracting the attention of his bestfriend, and the art teacher. He cursed quietly at the look she gave him, and jumped when an arm snaked around his neck.

"Having trouble?" Michelle crooned, her long fingers tracing a pattern on his enck.

"Some... my locker's jammed or something."

"Come on, I have next to nothing in mine, put your stuff in it til we fix it." She pulled him to the locker next to Dean's. The blonde watched as she taught his friend the combination (Somehow she had changed it to 06, 66, 09) and he shoved his tuff in. A picture of Jacob Glaser fell out and she blushed, racing to scoop it up.

"You have the hots for Glaser?" Dean asked incredulously. She turned impossibly red, scratching her neck in embarrassment. A ginger haired teen threw an arm around her, grinning.

"Coruse she does! Something about tall, pale and handsome. As compared to short, pale and awkward." he nodded at Cas who scowled.

"Shut up, Gabriel." Michelle shoved the photo into her pocket, along with the latest phone model. Cas smiled slightly, nodding deeply, once.

"I'll call him for you."


"Course." The aspiring atropshysist hgad nothing better to do. She smiled, leaning forward and kissing the corner of his mouth.

"You're the best."

"Hell no, I'm the best." Dean proclaimed loudly. Michelle snickered, walking behind him and stopping. She quickly viewed his, uh, 'assets' and smirked.

"I've seen better." she kissed his back, skipping off. Castiel and Gabriel both laughed while Dean glared after the girl.

"Probably on my brother," Cas muttered, blushing as soon the words left his mouth. Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"That's my sister, you asshole."

"You knwo he's right," Dean pointed out. "Other wise you'd have gotten angrier." Gabriel stopped.

"Shut up." The two smirked- or rather, Dean smirked and Cas smiled. "I gotta run. Tell Chelle that I can't pick her up after school?"

"Sure," Dean nodded.

"I'll give her a ride."

"She's going to some store to pick up a Lolisha or something like that."

"Lolita," Cas corrected. Dean grinned.

"I read that book. I liked it."

"It's a type of fashion from Japan, Dean." the ravenette sounded exasperated as Gabriel walked away laughing. "It varies from Hime, or princess, loli, to Goth loli and Visual Kei."

"Could you be more gay?" Cas stopped walking, in front of their shared history class. "Cas?"

"Nothing, I have to go." He muttered before running, dropping his binder. Dean watched hi go, picking up the black binder, confused.

"Cas?" but it was too late, and he didn't turn back.

character: castiel, character: dean, bingo

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