Beaches and Broken Glass

Nov 01, 2010 18:45

Title: Beaches and Broken Glass

Author: castielssamiel

Recipiant: queenie_mab

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Bobby/ Crowley

Gernre: Humor, romance

Warnings: Mention of adult situations

Word Count: 1,626

Summary: Crowley takes bobby on vacation with him.

Authors note: written for the ficexchange_mix exchange one. I'm sorry if it's no good. AU story

Bobby Singer rolled his eyes at his slightly older boyfriend, muttering to himself as he followed him to the vacation villa. After a long plane ride, he wasn't in the mood to deal with him humming.

Fergus "Crowley" McCloud leaned against his ornate front door, pulling out his house key. Bobby watched, arms crossed over his neat button down flannel. "Home sweet home, eh?" Crowley's light English accent made the ginger haired teen look up.

"Whatever floats your boat," he replied gruffly. He dropped his bag on the tiled floor, and rolled his shoulder; relishing the pop and release of tension from carrying the bag so long. He watched Crowley survey the large hallway before he turned and smiled at Bobby.

"Hera!" the ravenette called; grinning. Bobby raised an eyebrow when there was no response.

"Looks like nonne's- oof!" he doubled over when a mastif tackled him to the ground.

"Looks like Hera's excited to meet you, eh girl?" the dog barked, licking her master's hand and sitting proudly on Bobby's back.

"What the hell is that?" Bobby's voice was muffled from being pressed into the floor, under a huge dog.

"Hera, my dog. I asked my parents to bring her."

"Touching." Bobby grumbled.

"Ooh, I missed you," Crowley murmured, scratching the dog behind the ear. "Who's a good girl, hm?"

"Get her off... Crowley! Get her off!" Crowley snickered, standing up and backing away.

"Hera, here girl." the dog bound over to the ravenette, skidding on the floor and stopping right next to him. "You just gonna sit there?"

"No, I'm gonna river dance." Bobby grumbled sarcastically, pushing himself up and brushing himself off. His boyfriend snickered, glancing behind him as the sound of footsteps approached.

"I suppose, if you wanna impress my parents." Bobby scowled, as a man and a woman rounded the corner; both with raven hair and Crowley's blue eyes.

"Robert," his mother smiled, waving her first two fingers at him. He smiled politely, shaking Mr. McClouds hand.

"Can we trust you two alone for the next few days?"

"Of course. I'll keep Bobby out of trouble."

"I seriously doubt that." Mrs. McCloud replied, with little heat and a smile on her face. "We'll be back in a week. Keep Fergus out of trouble?"

"I'll try. No promises. He's a handful." Bobby could imagine the grin on Crowley's face, as he read into the innuendo behind the two words. "See you in a week," Crowley's dad clapped Bobby's shoulder as he walked out behind his wife, and Crowley turned slowly on his heel to look at him. His blue eyes leered, and a smirk graced his handsome face.

"Well now... two teenagers, left alone in a villa for a week. Where to start." He layered the words with innuendo, his eyebrows wiggling ever so slightly. Bobby rolled his eyes, pulling his trucker hat- blue with white plaid to match his over shirt- and running a hand through his ginger hair.

"I can imagine the things you'd want to do. Take the lead or somethin', idjit."

"Alright." Much to Bobby's surprise, Crowley- instead of leading him upstairs to his room- led him to a large balcony. Bobby felt a small gasp of surprise leave him and Crowley smiled.

"It's beautiful." And it was.

Sardenero spread out before him, and there's only a few clouds speckling the sky. The waves crashed up against the cliff the villa overlooked. "I thought you'd like it."

Bobby, despite his gruff exterior, loved the beach. The water, and how vast the blue seemed.

"How abotu lunch, hm?" Bobby glanced back at Crowley, who was sitting at a wrought iron table on the other side of the open door. "Don't tell me you aren't dying to try this stuff." Crowley's voice was teasing and light as he picked up something small and popped it into his mouth. Bobby sat across from him, looking at the different platters suspiciously.

"What're allt hese things?"

"Empanadillas, croquetas, papas arrugaudas, and seafood paella." Crowley grinned, popping another stuffed, fried olive in his mouth. "They are truly wonderful, you know."

"What's that?" Bobby pointed at a block of white candy-esue something.

"Jijona turron. It's delightful, but for dessert." he elaned across the table, a small empanada between his fingers. "Open." Bobby complied hesitantly, and Crowley dropped the small pastry in. As he chewed, Bobby looked slightly surprised. Beef and tomato assaulted his mouth, along with garlic and olive oil.

"Good, ne?" Crowley grinned.

After lunch- and Bobby deciding the turron stuff was his favorite-  Crowley led the ginger outside, in their bathing trunks, to the large beach. Bobby glowered at the females whose eyes raked over his boyfriend's lean body, and Crowley merely pulled him closer when other gave him the same treatment.

Bobby had slowly let his guard down, after a few moments of wading in the water.

This was his first mistake of the vacation.

Crowley ducked under the water, swimming towards the mechanic-in-training's legs. He grabbed one ankle, and tugged sharply. Bobby went down quick, spluttering when he came up for air.

"What in the hell's wrong with you?" Crowley looked around innocently.

"What'd I do?"

"You dragged me under!"

"Nah, it wasn't me." he said in an amused voice. "I was over there." he pointed, at a group of fairly attractive Spanish teenagers. "That girl, Calixta, was talking to me, and she pointed out that something had dragged you under." The girl, named Calixta, waved, her big olive eyes blinking innocently.

"Riiight." Bobby allowed Crowley to pull him close, and kiss his slightly blue lips.

"Are you cold?"

"Only a bit..."

"Do you want to get out?" Crowley frowned, his very rarely shown maternal side becoming apparent.

"I'm fine, ya-"

"If you say idiot, so help me God, I'll hit you."

"Okay, okay..." Bobby crawled out of the water, waiting til he could feel the bottom before standing up. "I'm gonna head inside though, maybe take a shower."

This suggestion, was his second mistake.

Crowley smiled, nodding slightly. He watched the younger teen go, his eyes trailing down his back to the wonderfully shaped ass. "Calixta, I believe I'm retiring for now... I have a cold lover in need of my..." he smirked. "Assitance."

"Whatever you say." the tan girl said, rolling her eyes.

Crowley snuck into the villa, his trained ears picknig upt he sound of the water running in his and Bobby's room. He stripped quietly, dropping the clothes on the large, rather soft bed. He stole through the bathroom door, and slipped in behind Bobby. The ginger haired teen glanced behind him, making the ravenette pout.

"I heard the bedroom door open."

"Couldn't eve pretend I scared you?"

"Why would I do that? It ruins my fun." The blue eyed teen gaped, before glaring playfully.

"I believe that statement deserves... Punishment." he mumured, wrapping an arm around Bobby tightly. He pulled him up against him, and bit down on his jugular.


After a long, rather steamy shower, the boys settled down on the balcony again, Bobby tucked under Crowley's chin. The latter smiled, holding him tightly as the sun began his descent. It dropped below the horizon slowly, bathing the two in pink and orange light.

"I love you, you know."

"I know, Crowley... Love you too." the gruff reply came from somewhere near his chest, and he smiled.

"And how shall we pass the time until bed, love?"

"Why bother asking?" Crowley tilted his head, genuinely confused. Bobby grinned, premature wrinkles near his eyes creasing. "I know you already have something in mind."

"Ah, but you see, I wasn't aware if you'd want to... participate in such an activity before dinner." the paused was filled with Crowley exhaling as Bobby's teeth grazed his hyroid.

"Have I ever said no to that activity?" Bobby looked up, his eyes amused as Crowley grinned.

"There's a first time for everything, my pet."

"Shut up, and get your ass in bed." Crowley rolled his eyes playfully, standing up and following Bobby. The redhead was pushed down onto the bed, and Crowley hovered above him.

"So foreceful, Robert... We should really do something about that attitude."

"What attitude?" Bobby asked, watching Crowley slowly pulling down his plaid pajama pants.

"Shirt off," Bobby complied. "The attitude that seems to have led you to believe," he bit down on his boyfriend's collar bone. He grinned at the resulting gasp, and reached into a drawer. His hand was slapped, and he looked up. Bobby was glaring; flushed and annoyed.

"You... You're wearing too much."

"This?" Crowley glanced at his own pajama pants- Bobby having already shed the matching button up. "I suppose I could take it off."

"Now, Crowley."

"Alright, alright." Crowley undid the knot on the waist band, shoving the dark blue pants down and kicknig them off. He returned to find Bobby's face inches away. He pressed his lips against the chapped ones of his lover roughly.

His tongue licked its way into Bobby's mouth, making the boy moan. Though mostly compliant, the redhead fought for dominance as once again Crowley reached for the lube.

An hour later, when the sun had finished setting and Bobby was curled into Crowley's side; the redhead decided to speak up.


"Yes, honey?" Bobby's nose scrunched at the pet name, but continued.

"Thanks for... ya know... bringing me along." Crowley smiled, kissing his head. "I've had fun so far."

"That's always a good thing. But really, I brought you along for selfish reasons. I would've missed you far too much had I left without you."

"Mm... I love you."

"I love you too, pet. Hungry?"

"Not really. Sleepy." Crowley smiled softly, kissing his boyfriend's ear.

"Then sleep. I'll see you in the morning."


"Promise." Bobby leaned up, kissing him. "It's a deal then. Goodnight Robert."

"Night, Fergus."

schmoop, prompt, supernatural, fic exchange

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