Sparkling Angel Part One

Oct 07, 2010 05:14

Title: Sparkling Angel

Author: CastielsSamiel

Rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Castiel, Dean, Sam, Gabriel, Dean/Cas

Spoilers: None

Warnings: mentions of abuse

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, don't own Supernatural, or the song. They belong to Eric Kripke and Within Temptation

Summary: Love in an asylum, and orderlies; heavy on the lies

Word Count:

Notes: the song, Angels by Within Temptation, inspired this and I hope you like.

McNiven Insane Asylum. The Collins Ward. Three-thirty A.M.

It rained outside; lightning lit up the beautifully bruised sky. I lean against the wall of my room, letting out a shakey breath. I, myself, shake violently when the orderlie- a middle aged, blonde woman- Ellen opens the door.

"Checks?" I wave my first two fingers at her, my dark blue eyes glancing at the bed next to mine. My roommate, Chuck Shurley, is deep in an inebriated and medicated slumber.

He has frequent nightmares, brought on by the teen in the Ferris ward. He frequently rambled about him and his brother fighting demons; mainly due to the younger brother's tales of them. The blonde in the ward next to ours, one of Ellen's daughters, was supposedly a lying decieving... bitch. I am unaccustomed to cursing, however since making friends with Sam and Dean Winchester- the brothers- I've started doing so. Not as frequently, but still.

"Good night, Cas, honey." I smile at Ellena who leaned forward and kissed my head. The woman was a surrogate mother for me, and my brothers. I hear yelling and cursing from the room across the hall, and my heart seizes. I know those screams.

"Ellen," I whispered hoarsely, my blue eyes pleading with her. She nodded; understanding apparently. She led me to the room, where two orderlies were stumbling out ungracefully. One of my friends here, in this damned asylum, is on her knees on the floor, a bloodied pencil in her hand. She was sobbing, glaring at the older of the orderlies. A funny, but arrogant, black man in his early twenties, Uriel. He held his shoulder, blood slowly dripping from between his fingers.

"What in the hell happened here?" Ellen demanded, scooping Michelle up into her arms. The redhead began muttering darkly in Latin, pointing at the orderlies. Uriel smiled, obviously fake.

"We were just trying to give her, her medication."

"Get him out of my room!" Michelle growled, reaching out with the pencil and slashing at the air. Ellen sent the orderlies a dark look, shooing them away. I stepped forward, carefully avoiding the puddle of blood where Uriel had stood. I hesitated, looking at Ellen who nodded.

"Chelley?" the girl looked up at me, with wild green eyes that seemed wet. "It's me, Chelle, it's Cassie." the girls defensive posture drooped, exhaustion claiming her.

"Castiel, like the angel." I nodded, crouching in front of her.

"That's right, like the angel." She smiled, reaching out with a blood covered hand. "And you're Samiel, right? The angel of protection?"

"I'm a very useless angel, and I'm not pretty like you and the others." I sighed, holding her tightly. The girl had been sent here a year before I had checked myself in; her doctor had diagnosed her with schizophrenia and a religious psychosis. She believed me and my brothers and sister were angels.

"Michelle, sweetie," Ellen kissed the girls head. "Castiel has to go to bed, and so do you. Did you take your medication?"

"Yes, mommy," she murmured, green eyes drooping. "I'll go to bed now... Good night, Cassie. Watch over my dreams, tonight? It's Thursday." I chuckled, nodding. "I love you," she let Ellen deposite her on the bed, covering her up.

"We love you too," ellen kissed her head again, smiling. "Come on, Cas, time for bed." I nodded, following her back to my room. Chuck had rolled off the bed, and snored peacefully halfway under it. I snickered, stepping over him as Ellen closed the door. I draped myself across my own bed, touching the stuffed bear on the pillow. Dean Winchester had given it to methe second time we met; I had been fifteen and refused to touch anybody. My wrist had been broken in five places from banging it on the walls.

I pet the bear, smiling slightly. Dean was... cute, and strong and just incredibly...


He'd never feel anything akin to what I feel for him; I'm a nutjob. I purposely broke my wrists and attempted to slice them open with the metal on the door leading out of the ward. Sam had found me, and- sasquatch that he is- carried me to a nursing station. His warmth had been a short comfort, though not even that could help me ignore the stern words of the incredibly creepy head doctor.

Doctor Zachariah, was a creep. In every sense of the word. He liked to 'play' with the patients, and it left most of us scarred and worse than we had been before.

I sighed, rolling onto my back and holding the bear tightly to my chest. It was soft, and black with grey mesh angel wings. My name's stitched into the tan trenchcoat it wore, and made me smile everytime.

Dean had seen many a picture of me and my older brothers, and a few with my younger sister; Anna. In everyone, I had been wearing a long, tan trenchcoat. It was my security blanket, I never left without it. It's sitting in the chair at the end of my bed, waiting for the morning.

I looked up out my window, watching the moon; clouds flitting over it lazily. I started humming to myself, a song Dean belted out frequently to annoy his brother. "I'm back..." chuck mumbled in his sleep, making me chuckle again. I watched the moon, before my vision became fuzzy and eventually went black. I would worry more about Dean, in the morning.

He was visiting.

God, I feel like a teenager...

character: castiel, pairing: destiel, supernatural, character: dean

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