Belongs to Steve

Nov 18, 2010 17:59

Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine, not mine.
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Pairing: Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams
Warnings: slash, silliness, permanent marker fumes, true love
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 750
Soundtrack: "Nothing I Can Do" (Ben Taylor)


Author's Notes: Once again, for Candie Girl, who noticed the ghost of "belongs to Steve" in Lie in the Curve.  <3.

Belongs to Steve
Hawaii Five-0 - Steve/Danny

Steve McGarrett is not pleased.  He’s leaving for his first summer football camp tomorrow, and he is going to look like a complete mama’s boy if his mother does not stop writing his name in every single item of his clothing.

“Mom,” he reasons, crinkling dark eyebrows at her, “all the guys are gonna think I’m a wuss if you do that!  And I’m the quarterback, Mom!  I have to be a bada--”


“I have to be tough, Mom!”

“Steve, honey,” his mother says, holding up a white t-shirt in one hand and a black permanent marker in the other, “do you know how many boys have these same undershirts?  If it doesn’t have your name in it, how is anyone going to know this one belongs to Steve?”


Steve’s left arm is asleep, but he doesn’t really mind too much.  Five-0 closed a huge case today, and they've been celebrating with drinks at Steve’s house.  Lots of drinks.  Chin and Kono stumbled out about half an hour ago, leaving Steve settled on the couch with Danny passed out on his shoulder, cutting off the circulation to his arm.

He wiggles his fingers, trying to restore some of the blood flow.  Something about the movement causes his sleeping partner to curl closer into Steve’s body, blond head nestling into his neck.  It’s looking like they’re gonna be there for a while.

Steve has a momentary flashback to his college days.  Back then, if one of the guys passed out at a party, he woke up with every available square inch of skin decorated in black permanent marker.

A wry grin spreads over his face, and he plucks Danny’s favorite blue roller-ball pen from the front pocket of his (too dressy) shirt.  Steve figures curse words and lewd drawings are probably a little over the top, so he sticks with what he knows.

When Danny stumbles into Steve’s bathroom the next morning to rinse the hangover taste out of his mouth, he has to do a double take at his own reflection.  His left cheek is adorned with a blue 5-0, and the side of his neck announces that HAWAII RULES.  And, in case there’s any doubt as to just whose fault this is, STEVE WAS HERE is scrawled in capital letters across his forehead.


A stormy Saturday night in August finds Steve and Danny ensconced in a blanket on Steve’s back porch.  There was a moment at work the day before -- a meth lab explosion, to be specific -- when Steve thought he’d lost his Danno.  It was the wakeup call he needed.  When he found his partner singed but safe among the rubble, he wrapped him up in strong arms and refused to let him go.  Hasn’t let go of him since.

In the afterglow, Danny traces his name lazily onto the skin of Steve’s bare thigh, smiling as his partner trembles in response.  It pleases him that he can crack the Navy SEAL’s armor with just the brush of a fingertip.  Steve, sensing a shift in the balance of power, clamps his mouth onto Danny’s shoulder, warm and rough.  There will be a mark there in the morning.

“Mine,” he growls softly, gathering his Danno close once again.


They’ve been partners for five years and partners for four when they finally make it official.  Chin and Kono and Mary and Grace look on, smiling, as Steve and Danny promise to love, to honor, to belong to each other forever.  It’s not even a difficult promise to make.

Difficult had been Danny’s insistence on full week of premarital abstinence before the big day.  Steve would much rather swear to keep him forever than live without him, even for a little while.  But Danny had won that particular argument (although Steve is pretty sure employing nudity and handcuffs to do so constitutes cheating).

But when he unbuttons Danny’s crisp white shirt in their hotel room that night, Steve understands why the wait was necessary.  After all, tattoos take a few days to heal.

He tosses the shirt on the floor and presses a soft kiss to the skin over Danny’s heartbeat, where his name is inked in midnight blue. God, he loves this man.

“Nice ink, Danno,” he whispers almost reverently.  
 “Yeah, well,” his husband says with a sheepish grin, “how else is anyone gonna know this heart belongs to Steve?” 

fic, pg-13, stenno, h50, candie girl

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