Jun 16, 2005 19:34
3 More Days Everyone! 3 more until my nights will be less cold and my days will be less empty! Can't wait for you to get home Drew! Oh Yeah, and since Jenni got ticked off that I didn't mention her in my first two posts...let me just say that Jenni has been a really good friend. Especially during my shit week..as I like to refer to it! So I am sitting here at work, at my desk. Once again just like yesterday and the day before that. It can be boring sometimes, but at least it brings the money in. I can't wait to get my piano up here so that I can start teaching singing and piano lessons on the side. I am going to turn this little room at the house into my music room. I am make about $30-$40 a night teaching kids music lessons. So that will help out I am sure. I started writing a new song yesterday. The chorus is done, but I am still working on the verses. It is going to be called "Blazing Battles". The synopsis of the song talks about how life throws so many challenges at us. We never know what or when things will come up. It talks about how many times we find ourselves standing looking at all the pieces of our lives scattered about the ground. And that we each have a choice to let those pieces lay on the ground, whither away, and decay. Or get off our ass, pick up the pieces, and put them back together. It is probably going to be the most inspirational song I have done so far. There is so much feeling and emotion that just runs through me and I am writing it. It is one of those songs that just makes a chill go up your spine as the words surround you. The last song I wrote, which Drew hasn't even heard yet, was called "When the Last Star Falls". I wrote it during shit week...and I kinda want to forget about that week so I put that song on the back burner. But my songs will all start coming along much quicker once I get my piano up here. Got a couple more "home improvements" done today. It has been really nice to get all this stuff done this week. Normally I wouldn't have been able to get so many things done. Because Drew would have been there telling me how to do it, and what I was doing wrong, and what he didn't like about it. This way...when he gets home it will all be done and he will say "WOW! The house looks great." Atleast...that is what he better say. I have to say that I really miss Drew's family this week too. I got used to seeing atleast one member of his family every day or two. They make me feel so wanted and appreciated. It reminds me of my family. Well, atleast they remind me of my family before I hit them with the big "G" word. Things just never have really been the same since. Drew has no idea how lucky he is to have such an understanding and supportive family. Now all we have to do is get our asses in gear when he gets home and get a lawyer to get busy on the case. I don't want too much time to get away from us. It won't look good. We need to get it taken care of now and get his kid back to him! Well, I gotta go. Getting ready to demote one of my team leaders. It is one of the most hard things that I have had to do so far in this position. But it is something that I can avoid. Thanks for commenting on my last post Alexis. I really can't wait to meet you. Don't know if I am ready to be a Jew though. I mean come on...when was the last time you saw a Gay Baptist Jew of Native American Ancestry??? What would that make me in scientific terms.....anyone got a term to best describe me???