
Jan 31, 2026 00:00

I'll take on requests. But in order to see them you'll have to friend me.

[o] I might be busy with translating and collegeworks, so don't rush me.
[o] These are requests and free of charge, I will try my hardest to make them look good. But, I can not guarantee you'll LOVE them. Please, don't bitch and moan to me about it. Find someone else to make your request.
[o] Please provide a PICTURE. Better the quality the easier it is for me!

Please fill out this form and comment here for requests.

Color scheme
Text [Optional]
Border [Optional]
Transparency [Optional]
Save As [png, jpg, gif] [name]
Size[FO banner, Journal header, icons?]

Name Kuri
LJ orechibisama
Picture ♥♥♥
Color scheme Pink/orange
Text Durimu
Border 2 1px lines one orange one pink
Transparency N/A
Save As Dreampair1.png
Size 1oox1oo icon
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