Si quelqu'un trouve ma motivation, qu'il me contacte ? Merci !

Feb 08, 2021 15:29

Hello, flist. I wrote this last night but apparently fell asleep before I could hit send, meant to post it before work, then forgot. This is the perfect example of how I'll find myself with a post ready to go live and no update on my LJ for days. So, quick, coffee break before my next online meeting and let's post this.

Having a leisurely walk in Paris (or any kind of walk, really) is a luxury these days since we mostly stay home and that particular outing was especially enjoyable. I actually took that shot (metro station at the Tuileries) because I wanted to share it with you. There, sometimes I take pictures for the sole purpose of online sharing. I'm still working from home, no surprise here and as I was enjoying a nice little latte, I was trying not to have murderous thoughts for some people at work (not my coworkers, thankfully). Work is still pretty dense, I guess I'm not getting bored? (Between you and me, I wouldn't mind just a little bit of boredom). February, 2nd was was the Chandeleur so we made our traditional crêpes - that was super lovely.

Obviously, I'm still watching k-dramas, I mean, when am I not, these days? But! I did pause my k-drama to catch up with the new season of Prodigal Son. I really enjoyed those first episodes, they were pretty wild and very on-brand for Prodigal Son. I think it bodes well for the rest of the season :)

Oh, and yesterday was a perfect example of your 'Pandemic Sunday' as at any other time we would have gone to the movies or seen an exhibit (it was the perfect type of weather for that, grey and wet) likely followed with a visit to a favourite coffeeshop. Instead it was Jenga at home. We had fun, though ;)

And you can't see it in the pic but I had my first swab test! I started coughing ten days ago and you know how it is, the time when you could just wait before going to the GP is long behind us so I went to see them and, no surprise, I got a one-way ticket to the infamous swab test. (Also, the place where I had it was super sketchy - totally official, mind, but it felt so "suburby"...). Anyway, the results came back negative, it was just your run-of-the-mill bout of bronchitis (early days, even) but seriously, I'm basically home all the time, I've been taking all the bloody precautions we've been advised to from the get to and I get sick? At least it was nothing serious (although I'm still coughing to this day so colour me a bit frustrated. Also tired, you guys. My GP thought I looked pretty tired and I was just "Is there any other way of being these days?").

Apart from this little "adventure", things are still going well - as good as they can under the circumstances? No, they're going well. It's a bit difficult telling the difference these days ;) 
Hope you're all doing well too, flist *hugs* This entry was originally posted at
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