안녕하세요 *waves*

Dec 02, 2020 17:56

Can you believe we're in December? Many family members already have decorated their homes, I think everyone is in dire need of Christmassy goodness ;) We're planning on getting our Christmas tree sometime in the next couple of days. Tomorrow, ideally, before the end of the week, realistically. We'll join the others in adding some Christmas cheer to our life, we certainly need it.

Nothing much happened since my last entry. Lockdown hasn't been lifted yet but we can now go out for 3 hours up to 20km (vs 1h up to 1km) so that's a huge improvement. It means I can actually go to Paris if I want to! Cookie and I don't plan on going crazy with this new freedom as we're still being super reasonable and following the rules and everything but we're thinking of having a nice little Parisian stroll at least this Sunday. I do miss Paris a lot.

Apart from that, I'm still working from home, still working out every day, still treating ourselves with some nice baking, still having fun with my studying German and Korean. Did I tell you I picked up Korean too? To be fair, I'm conducting an experiment with that one; I'm calling it the How Much of A Foreign Language Can you Learn on Your Own During a Lockdown? project. One has to pass the time while being in lockdown, right? Right.

Speaking of, my foray into K-dramas (I can't decide whether using this term is reductive or the way to go) is going well. Really well, indeed. After Signal (best show ever ♥), we've now about to finish Tunnel (though we're not officially done yet, I already miss the lot of them!).

I've also watched Bad Guys on my own. Turns out I had a Massive Bout of Insomnia on Monday night - I basically spent the whole night feeling like I couldn't breathe properly, which hadn't happened in almost a month #FunTimes - and decided to go to Netflix to keep me company so that I could take my mind out of the breathing issue). Bad Guys is an action-packed and definitely more violent show than I'm used to, it's a bit OTT, with somewhat ridiculous dialogues sometimes that all work perfectly well nonetheless, it's filled with criminals that want to redeem themselves and cops that forgot they were supposedly on the right side of justice, it has some twists and turns, it follows a sort of atypical found-family trope - oh, and it has the prerequisite pretty boy as part of the cast (I mean, very pretty boy, indeed). Then again Tae-Soo might be more your jam. Mine is Jung-Moon but I'd totally understand - it's just that Jung-Moon was kinda tailored for me, is all ;)

Next in line - well, either Bad Guys, which Cookie would like to try (and that I don't mind watching again) or Stranger, which we're both curious about. I'm thinking of trying Man to Man sometime as well (Park Hae-Jin from Bad Guys plays in that one, I'm curious to see him in another role). There's also It's Okay Not to be Okay that looks like it'll be quite different from the other titles I previously watched... it could be interesting.

In any case, we won't be lacking in titles to choose from, I've added a ton of Korean series to my list - a ton, I'm so very grateful for Netflix' A+ Asian-tv selection! - so we're in for a treat and looking forward to many weeks of k-drama goodness :) It's our brand new tv-date, too: we watch one episode every evening (or two when we really can't stand to wait to find out what happens next but we do try to make each show lasts) and as daily routines go, it's been a lovely little one to add to ours :) This entry was originally posted at https://castalie.dreamwidth.org/534343.html.


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