Les jours se suivent...

Nov 15, 2020 23:13

Lockdown equals Zoom meetings of all sorts and today was our first FP virtual brunch - our remote meetings usually lean more towards the afternoon tea variety ;) We spent three hours together, it felt so good ♥ After that Cookie and I tried to motivate ourselves do our Outdoor Walk with Members of our Household Only, Within 1Km of our Residence, and For No Longer than One Hour (you know, that one) but the weather was absolutely rubbish and we had zero motivation to set foot outside.

Instead, we stayed inside and just chilled. I caught up on my German lessons - which I've neglected recently - I read, watched some YT, and in the evening we watched our daily episode of Signal. Omg, you guys, you wouldn't believe how invested we both are. I mean, I was already quite enthusiastic when I wrote my last entry but we've reached a whole new level of emotional investment in the meantime.

The show is so, so good! The cast is fantastic, the plot intricate and cleverly done and the characters... oh, the characters are amazing. I'm in love with Jea-Han, Hae-Young and Soo-Hyun - and Sun-Woo, omg Sun-Woo *__*

It is a rollercoaster of emotions, though. All the characters break my fucking heart (also make me laugh out loud because some of the light and fun parts of the show are, indeed super light and fun - and believe me, we need them!) but overall... I ache for them so much and just want them to be happy, dammit.

There is one episode in particular that basically had me in tears for forty minutes straight (each episode lasts between 66 and 73 minutes), I was a wreck at the end lol I thought it was a brilliant episode but oh, so emotional! It was one heartbreaking scene after another. Tonight episode had me at the edge of my seat (more than usual) and I'm now wondering how I'm going to survive the last two episodes...

If the show ends badly, if we don't get the happy ending we all deserve (and those characters in particular), I am going to be incredibly upset and traumatised. Quantum Leap series finale level of upset and traumatised. (If you watched Quantum Leap back then, you know this is a Very High level of upset, indeed).

Is anyone watching Signal or have watched it? This entry was originally posted at https://castalie.dreamwidth.org/533887.html.
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