New shows.

Jun 19, 2012 09:34

Now that Once Upon a Time is in hiatus (and I still need to post thoughts on the series one of these days, as I have lots of them), I've been watching a few new things. shrift brought Lewis to Fannish Weekend in VA this year, and I was hooked, so I've been spending the three weeks since then devouring the series. It's quiet and often slow-paced, but in that endearing English way that doesn't bore you. It's extremely slashy at times, though much of that may be due to Laurence Fox and his adorable antics. So yes, love. Sadly, I only have two more episodes left, then it's waiting for season 7 along with everyone else.

Falling Skies came back this past weekend, giving me my cheesy, flashy sci-fi show of the summer again. Some cast changes here and there, some explained and some not, and to my pleasure they didn't completely cop out of showing us the inside of the alien ship like I thought they might. Uncle Scott is gone, replaced by a rather nice guy with dreds whose name sounded like Jamil. He's cute and has hooked up with Lourdes, who is less annoying this season though still not terribly bright. Rick is gone, though from the previews he's coming back so I'm not counting him out just yet. Ben has become a bratty super soldier, and things between him and Hal are strained. All the kids are looking a lot older now in general.

Colin is still my biggest reason for watching, and he continues to steal the scene on a regular basis while having interesting dynamics with various characters, especially Anthony and the Mason family. Despite its summer cheese factor, my complaint with the series is mostly that the characters often suffer from Plot Induced Stupidity to the point where it really is a miracle they haven't been wiped out by now. In this ep especially they let emotions overrule logical objections to welcoming Tom back after he was on the alien ship, and he really should not have had to practically force Weaver to restrain him after that bug thing was found in his eye (ew, btw). Luckily Pope is there to say the harsh truths and do what needs to be done, or else they'd probably all be dead at this point.

I liked the Latina soldier Tom met on the ship and was disappointed she was killed so quickly. She seemed cool and had sensible hair, something the 2nd Mass could learn from. I keep waiting for Maggie or Ann to at least pull their hair back, if not cut it off, as they both have jobs where all those tresses would get in the way. I do like that they're showing Maggie's roots growing out, at least, but still. Practicality, people!

I gave Common Law a try, then got distracted after two eps, but I might give it a few more watches to see if it hooks me or not. Otherwise, not much on my fannish radar right now. I'll probably check out The Fall when it airs (they're filming now), not for the premise so much as the promise of Gillian Anderson plus Jamie Dornan as the main cast.


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