Dec 02, 2007 02:20
Ok so i went and saw M.I.A. with Joyvce last week. It was supposed to be M.I.A. with The Cool Kids, but they didn't show up but another pretty sweet band called Big Digits opened instead. They were pretty good and one of them was really really good looking the other two were pretty scary though. So me and Joyce were like right up front and it was awesome. M.I.A. came out (after an hour of waiting might I add grr) and everyone went CRAZY. Like literally pushing and shoving and dancing and just being stupid. After like 3-4 songs me and Joyce had to get away from the front and move back a little so we could have breathing room. We barely managed to get out of the front alive. So M.I.A. is amazing. Such good energy and she wanted to make it a big party and that it was. Her crew was great and they all sounded soooo good. Just like the cd but with electrified energy! Her outfit was awesome and so was the screens of images they had up behind them. She went out in the crowd twice. She invited some gals up on stage for one song, and she crowd surfed at the end! M.I.A is the BOMB and I want to see her again! The only complaint I had is all the major tools in the audience. And randomly Joyce was getting purposely stepped on while dancing by this one guy and his ugly booty call and a nu-metal dood saved her. There were like random nu-metal dudes there like 4 or 5 of them, that confused me. Me and Joyce were definatley some of the best dressed though, our clothes were hot! Like no one else dressed up besides a couple people. I think you should get dressed up to go out to cool things like (semi)big concerts like that. After the concert me and Joyce tried to stalk the hot one from Big Digits and drove around to see if M.I.A would come outside. Neither attempt was succesful but it was fun nonetheless. Then we hung out at her apartment and stuff.
Anyways that's about it for now. Next up is Bayside with like 5 other bands on Dec. 6th. witht he whole HT crew yay! Maybe I'll update before then, who knows...