Aug 07, 2005 21:19
Well, I just got back from Denver Colorado like 2 hours ago. It was amazing. All the mountains and the beautiful weather. It was so great. Overall, the missons trips was really good. It was hard on wed. when we heard news of dustin. Its so weird to think about because he was in my small group and we had small group ar his house for at least two months. Its just crazy what happens somtimes. You never know when your time is up. Its really sad. It was really crazy in denver too because you could really see how power spirtual warfare is. At least 4 people went to the hospital, there were a lot of people who were sick and not feeling good and just tons of other little things that were happening. And this was just a next gen missions trip. Man it was crazy but being there next to the mountain and just seeing how big my God was and the earth that he had created brought more comfort then I thought possible. I`m so glad I can find my security in a God that is never changing and perfect. I love him so increidibly much. I don`t know where I would be or what I would be doing if if weren`t for God and his grace. In this last two years it has been rough but I have also had so many great times that I will never forget. I love serving a God that is eternal and knowing that what I`m doing now won`t be over when I die but will continue long after I`m gone. The devil can throw his tricks, his deception, and his lies at me all day but with God he is defeated every time. I love knowing that whatever happens in my life that the devil has been defeated and in the end God has won...........I love you Lord!!