Dec 23, 2011 07:07
- Чт, 12:12: throat ugh
- Чт, 12:17: Severe weather today I hear? y r u on commercial weather channel
- Чт, 12:28: Omg more peanuts music @ buterflysamurai #Weatherchannel
- Чт, 12:51: Somehow I managed to go from hot mess hair & jammies in bed to being fully dressed & at my desk at work in 30 minutes. #Whoa
- Чт, 13:00: Oh Twitter ur trending topics will make is too darn easy for me today to #HuffleHate I apologize in advance @ delveblue @ yunabug
- Чт, 20:49: "@ blikku: YES!!! XD “@ livvylove: For @ blikku @ nerddemigoddess (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻”"
- Чт, 20:52: RT @ GeorgeTakei: The number of sons of "Kim" who have ruled Korea is truly confusing. I'm just going to call this new one 'Lil Kim.
- Чт, 20:55: My phone bit the dust so Santa bring me a new phone
- Чт, 21:16: #WinterIsComing ...correction winter is here today #HappyWinter #GameOfThrones
- Чт, 22:28: "@ livvylove: I just unlocked the " #SoRight - RadioShack" badge on @ foursquare!" getting me a new phone? Wishfulthinking