Denis Leary is the DEVIL!

Feb 06, 2005 09:10

So, friday night Kristin cameover and she was making a beer run so I had her get me a 6 pack of mikes hard cranberry lemonade. Mike called me to see what I was up to and I told him chilling at the panda house drinking and he got a little upset cause I told him I didn't want to drink again till he was home, or I was with him or whatever.

Got drunk. Fun drunk at first then crazy can't stand up drunk. Dick said something and I playfully picked up an empty beer bottle like I was about to throw it at his head and he told me I'd better not and my better judgement (what I had left of it) let me know I shouldn't too. So I decided to throw it up high on the wall near where no one was sitting. It dented the wall and bounced of crashing into the end table and breaking the end table. Whoops.

Ollie was on shrooms and I stole the scarf he was wearing and I joked with him calling him a pussy cause he wasn't even trying to get it back. I fell over and almost threw up all over JoeT and Lee.

Then it snows. Ollie and I are on the back porch. I'm smoking and he's attempting to. He can't even find his lighter so, I bust mine out to help him but, he smiles and backs away then shoves my hand away. Then he wouldn't put the cig in his mouth so I grabbed it from him and tried to put it in his mouth and light it but, he hit it outta my hand and it landed on the porch. He picked it up and threw it over the balcony. Then, he gave me the 1/2 8th of shrooms he was saving for later which was just one huge stem. It tasted disgusting but kicked in right away.

I'm downstairs and the lights are off except for the Blacklight and we're listening to DJ shadow or something. I hear lee and JoeT mention the shrooms calmed me down. They're smoking herb and ollie is smoking a cigarette. I smell something burning and Joe t and lee say, "yeah that's cause we're burning one man." But, it didn't smell like weed. I look around and an ember had fallen on Ollies sweatshirt. I say, "ollie! You're on fire!" he just looks down at it like "whoa" and doesn't do a thing. I yell "dude! do something about it." he stands up all puzzled so I grabbed him by his pocket and pulled him back down and threw my glass of water on him.

So I have this glow stick. And I glow stick has never made me more happy. It looks likes it's moving so fast in my hand and I shake it and watch the light formations. It just made me giggle. Really cool. Ollie comes up behind me and ganks it. I start bawling like I am 2 years old and someone has taken my toy. I'm sitting on the couch. All the sudden I can't breath very well and I tense up. Then, I had a seizure. And I was just like, WHOA. So, I decided to go up stairs. I look in the mirror and I swear I look like my mom so that freaks me out. I ask Micheal if I look like my mom and he says no I look like a frog. I sit down with my head down and all the sudden hear all these freaky noise. I scream "what the fuck is that?" everyone looks at me like "what?" and I look at the t.v. and denis leary is on and he is talkin so mother fucking fast I can only make out like one or two words. The back ground is red and cathedral like and his head is fuzzy and he's all sweaty. I freak out! He was talking fucking fast and no one else saw it and it pissed me off. I swore that he was the devil and I needed to leave the room.

So, I go in my bedroom and put on some tool and try to chill. All my thoughts and feelings were like I was in that movie the cell with Jennifer lopez. Everything was really demonic and twisted. Morbid, gothic. I thought I was gonna die... but, I couldn't cause I needed to see mike again so I told myself to live. Ollie kept coming in and out and for some reason everytime he left I thought he was gonna call the ambulance. And I could here the doctors talking "we're gonna loose her damnit!" .."pump her stomach..." and all this crazy shit. I kept thinking my nose was bleeding and I'd look down and there would be blood all over my sheets and I'd look again and it would be gone. Then all the sudden all the words from tool were backwards. CRAZY!!!!

So, I call Noah in my room and I finally calm down when he comes in.
I called mike to tell him about my trip but, he was upset at me cause I told him before that I wanted to save shrooms to do with him.

He said stuff about how that's the second time I lied to him, and how trust was the basis of a relationship and I had lost that. I was so scared and thought he was going to break up with me. Noah comforted me and said he knew mike loved me too much.

I was freaking out and yelling about what an asshole I was and how much I hated myself so noah gave me a zanex. Calmed me right down. Which kinda sucked cause then noah started crying and I really wanted to comfort him but, I couldn't cause I was too tired.

The next day austin said he was watching me on shrooms and he wished he was me cause I lived out one of his dreams. It was all so crazy.
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