Dec 17, 2004 22:58
It is said that if you drop a frog in hot water, he'll jump out. If you put him in lukewarm water and very slowly raise the temperature, the frog will stay there until he dies.
Which is to say.. I really need to do something different with my life till I get so comfortable and un aware and before I know it I am old and dead.
I hate television. I've grown to hate television as this wasn't an instant realization. Why do we have cable and why has TV been on all day since the first person awoke. Maybe this was meant to happen. Breaks down the social interaction and gives me a chance to escape to my room and encapsulate myself in a good book with just me.
I can't even blame you. I am always the one to instigate and you play along in this game of how much damage can Cassie cause herself. What I want to know is how I can prove to you that my motivation is slightly deeper set and yes mostly I am selfish and doing this for me. Also though I am doing this in the hopes that one day the barriers and situations keeping us apart will have diminished and I hope that there can be love between us. But, what to do in the meantime? Tell me to stop. Kick me out. Tell me you don't care. Hurt me and break me all over again.
Oh TV I hate you I hate you and your falseness. Auuurrgghhh!
The buddha said:
"Just as a man shudders with horror when he steps on a serpent, but laughs when he looks down and sees that it is only a rope, so I discovered one day that what I calling "I" cannot be found, and all I fearand anxiety vanished with my mistake.