I am one confused little kitten

Aug 22, 2006 05:05

So, even when I think I know myself the best of anyone (which is still probably true), I find out I can't even figure myself out some of the time. What the hell?

There is this boy (isn't there always?), and he's nice, fun, adorable, geeky cute, weirdly similar to me in the oddest respects, and we get along really well, and he's a great kisser. One minute I think I like him, then what happened with him happens with a lot of guys... a switch just fucking flips, and I lose most attraction. I don't get it. I guess once I sense them liking me... I worry that they'll be more into me than I am into them (since that is what happened with Travis and I ended up dumping him and crushing him).

I think it's a subconscious thing that I'm just now realizing. It's been happening for YEARS. Sometimes I do believe I was just not attracted to the guys, but I think I destroy potential dating situations before they start because I am unequipped to handle them.

His apartment did smell like my old history teacher's room in middle school. That was pretty bad. I don't want a guy I date to smell like Mr. Hickey (no joke, that was his name).

So now I'm second guessing myself, wondering, do I like this guy, or don't I? What is my gut feeling here, and can I even trust my gut feeling, cause apparently my guts have shit for brains (Thanks High Fidelity)
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