Mar 30, 2005 14:44
Well I just added on to my last entry because I wasn't going to make a whole new one, but then I decided I had things to say. But go look at that one because there's another picture of me and my bros and sister and nephew and it's cute. I love us.
I got a free balloon today! It's exciting, I like balloons, and I got to carry it around.
It was beautiful, good hoodie weather this morning on my way to breakfast and classes :)
Then there was a short thunderstorm, and that made me happy too because I was in my room the whole time so I got to enjoy the sounds and not get soaked (sorry Maggie).
I had my first exam in American Govt today, but it went really well and I think I'll get an A. Yay for that. I peeked ahead on my 365 stupid things people have said daily calendar to see when April Fools Day was (I never really learned that 30 days hath september etc thing), and saw one of my favorite GWB quotes: "There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again." Hehe. Ohhh at least he's entertaining. I guess things could be worse, crazy. Anyway, lunch was good today too.
I can't wait for this weekend! I get to see Jake the day after tomorrow!!!