My tweets

Jan 09, 2020 12:00

  • Wed, 21:44: RT @ SethAbramson: NEGOTIATION 101 The Thing Mitch Wants: articles of impeachment Person Holding Thing He Wants: Nancy Pelosi Leverage: hav…
  • Wed, 21:44: RT @ SethAbramson: Pelosi can walk away from the negotiating table *now* and things only get better for her: she gets more investigation, mo…
  • Wed, 21:44: RT @ SethAbramson: Lest you say, "What about optics?" Well-what about them? McConnell has repeatedly said that the House didn't do enough in…
  • Wed, 21:44: RT @ SethAbramson: Look-dude's impeached. And right now, the fix is in on a trial-literally-inasmuch as the former NSA said, "Uh guys, I hav…
  • Wed, 21:51: RT @ AmiiboJason: Having Square-Enix, my all time favorite game publisher, quote our publication in an ad makes 13 year old Jason lose his m…
  • Wed, 21:58: Bubbble, Bubble, twitter trouble...
  • Wed, 21:59: RT @ MHKazuki: @ 9to5mac @ ChanceHMiller Oh yeah, don't forget about brands, extremists and the like abusing this to avoid criticism/silence a…
  • Wed, 22:57: RT @ SerebiiNet: Serebii Update: The first trailer for this year's Pokémon anime movie will air on the Japanese variety show Oha Suta during…
  • Wed, 23:00: RT @ CymruNerdCave: It's the Imperial March. Probably one of the most famous pieces of music, ever. Even if you don't know Star Wars, you'll…
  • Wed, 23:02: RT @ Delzethin: Following up from my thread last week about Smash newcomer speculation and expectations, there's another side of it I didn't…
  • Wed, 23:02: RT @ Delzethin: Seriously, it's like an entire side of the fanbase is expecting huge plot twists or jaw-dropping setpieces to happen just fo…
  • Wed, 23:02: RT @ Delzethin: Which...creates problems when Sakurai himself has shown he isn't treating Ultimate's development like some kind of suspense…
  • Wed, 23:03: RT @ Delzethin: We're at a point right now where the community's being dragged around by this idea that every decision is supposed to be som…
  • Wed, 23:03: RT @ Delzethin: And I'm not sure what'd be worse: The sheer vitriol that'll happen if/when we get anything that defies their unhealthily lof…
  • Wed, 23:03: RT @ Delzethin: And what does that say about me, resenting the idea that the fans who genuinely care about the characters they support might…
  • Wed, 23:11: RT @ DavidJFielding: If opinions are like assholes, what's an opinion of an opinion?
  • Wed, 23:20: RT @ CheriJacobus: If President Hillary Clinton had slurred her words, sniffed, argle-bargled and bumbled her way through an important natio…
  • Wed, 23:21: RT @ tavion_jackson:
  • Wed, 23:23: RT @ Cassius335: @ tavion_jackson It's only now, after all this time, I realise they could have gone with "Ressha Safari ToQger"...
  • Wed, 23:26: RT @ WithTheWill: Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna will be in US theaters for one night on March 25th! Also, more BIG news! They acc…
  • Wed, 23:37: RT @ JoshuaPotash: Wow. Fox just aired Republican Senator Mike Lee ripping into the briefing that he just received on Iran. He calls the i…
  • Wed, 23:38: RT @ TF_PFoz: Look so good. UK when?
  • Wed, 23:47: RT @ ChrisMurphyCT: Just left the briefing. The bottom line is this: I did not hear evidence of a specific imminent threat that would allow…
  • Wed, 23:50: RT @ incwitcher: Yennefer: Shit, we lost Jaskier Geralt: Hold my beer, I got this Geralt, forming his hands into a megaphone: TOSS A COIN TO…
  • Wed, 23:51: RT @ PushDustIn: 🗣 "pineapple pizza is the best, let me know if you disagree" 🗣 "wow! No one disagrees with me LOL"
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @ DemonTomatoDave: *five seconds later* We regret to inform you the AI-driven film management system has been accused of sexual misconduc…
  • Wed, 23:58: RT @ SethAbramson: Different people might hear the statement Pelosi just gave about the articles of impeachment differently, but what I took…
  • Wed, 23:58: RT @ SethAbramson: PS/ She's essentially calling his bluff in a way that's common in DC, i.e. she's forcing GOP senators to go on the record…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @ Alyssa_Milano: Impeachment must be taken seriously. If McConnell runs a sham trial, Trump will know he’s permanently above the law. Ca…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @ fawfulfan: A trial without witnesses that is designed to acquit is not actually a trial - it’s a sham. Don’t let your Senators vote fo…

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