My tweets

Jan 07, 2020 12:00

  • Mon, 20:59: RT @ ScottPorter: Happy New Year, #Heroclix fans... #UnboxingTime @ wizkidsgames #partner
  • Mon, 21:15: RT @ scrdofthedrk: when i tell you i’m in tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  • Mon, 21:16: RT @ KevinMKruse: Mitch McConnell, who once said that his #1 goal in the Senate was to deny Barack Obama a second term and instructed his ca…
  • Mon, 21:20: RT @ kylegriffin1: Schumer: "McConnell's view is Alice In Wonderland. First the trial and then the evidence. If the Senate were to agree to…
  • Mon, 21:25: RT @ azalben: Also, just going on the record to say that if Bale IS playing Beta Ray Bill, and they make a Thorse joke anywhere in the movie…
  • Mon, 21:31: RT @ kongregate: Our newest Kongpanion is a great addition to any picnic. Meet Georgia! “She very politely requests that you don’t offer her…
  • Mon, 21:38: RT @ MykeCole: This is fake, photoshopped image. Spread by a Republican US Congressman. They believe in nothing. They stand for nothing.…
  • Mon, 21:46: RT @ SethAbramson: PS/ In anticipation of those who'll say "this is a distraction and you should've ignored it," I believe you're wrong. It'…
  • Mon, 21:47: RT @ SethAbramson: Dead wrong: 1️⃣ George Lopez, a comedian, for making a joke about the bounty Iran allegedly put on Trump 2️⃣ Ted Nugent,…
  • Mon, 21:54: RT @ MuricaRip: Ted Nugent: "Obama can suck on my machine gun" and Hillary, “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthl…
  • Tue, 00:45: RT @ AshaRangappa_: Mitch, please.
  • Tue, 02:03: RT @ SethAbramson: I feel oddly sanguine about this as it simply means the Democrats now *know* the fix is in in the Senate and have no moti…
  • Tue, 02:03: RT @ SethAbramson: As far as I'm concerned, this puts the matter of a Senate trial to rest. It's clear that the Senate, as currently constit…
  • Tue, 02:03: RT @ SethAbramson: The situation now is remarkably simple: Bolton has screwed himself and lost his argument to fight any House subpoena. The…
  • Tue, 02:03: RT @ SethAbramson: And if the Senate wants to try to preempt a trial, let them! An impeachment trial *can't be preempted by Senate vote*, an…
  • Tue, 02:04: RT @ SethAbramson: Then, if Trump wins in 2020 but Democrats take the Senate (or do so in 2022), you hold a Senate trial using the evidence…
  • Tue, 02:04: RT @ SethAbramson: Trump is terrified of a trial. McConnell is terrified of a trial. And 51+ Republican senators are terrified of a trial. W…
  • Tue, 02:04: RT @ SethAbramson: The list of scandals that haven't been investigated while the focus has been on *one aspect* of the Ukraine scandal inclu…
  • Tue, 02:04: RT @ SethAbramson: There are 25+ witnesses the House has every right to get who are being blocked from testifying or refusing to testify. Th…
  • Tue, 11:33: RT @ OoCPokemon: [submitted by: @ LisiSkryba]

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