Originally published at
tansyrr.com. You can comment here or
I’ll admit I was nervous when I heard there was ‘tweaking’ going on with the cover of my book, because I had just been showing it off to everyone I met at Genrecon and hearing so much positive feedback about how it worked for crime and mainstream readers (and even the occasional SF reader) - the thought of changing it was alarming!
But of course I should have trusted the amazing Amanda Rainey, who added a splash (literally) more criminal intent to the original design, which really brings the concept together.
A Trifle Dead will be launched on 28 March at the Hobart Bookshop - more details on that later. In the mean time, you can pre-order the book
directly from Twelfth Planet Press.
Thanks to
Sean the Blogonaut for scooping the author on this one & saying such nice things about the book based on only having read the first chapter. Someone get that man a review copy!