Originally published at
tansyrr.com. You can comment here or
Quite a lot of these, because I kept forgetting to blog all the me-centric links - first the recent ones:
Rowena Cory Daniells
interviews the Galactic Suburbia team, including our silent producer.
A lovely review of
Love and Romanpunk at Goodreads that made me smile.
And a few older ones:
Australian Spec Fic Snapshot roundup of links - amazing work we managed this year, thanks largely to a much bigger pool of volunteers, who donated massive amounts of time and energy to pull it off. Hooray, especially to Tehani & Kathryn for organisation.
I reviewed
Cracklescape by Margo Lanagan over at Last Short Story.
For those who missed it, Kirstyn McDermott of the Writer and the Critic produced this brilliant
Twelve Planets podcast at Embiggen Books during the Continuum 8 convention weekend.
Far more likely to have been missed is
this article on gender & genre in Australian publishing - a bunch of us female writers & editors in the Australian spec fic scene contributed to the article, which then appeared right when most of us were at the convention and thus forgot to link to it or plug it to our readers.
Meanwhile, on Pinterest, I’ve been curating up a storm, and am particularly proud of these recent boards:
Rogues Gallery (Villains Galore)
Because Blake’s 7
many more…