Friday Links Learns that Meep-Meep-Meep is a colour.

Sep 02, 2011 14:45

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

Let’s just stop and bask in the glory that is Muppet nail polish. Muppet nail polish, people!

Also, a TARDIS corset. Doctor Who cosplay is one of those things that has made my internet a better place over the last few years. I love these crafty, creative geekpeople!

Check out the Strange Horizons Fundraising Drive - and as an example of some of the great work they do, try this wonderful essay about Pat Cadigan.

John Scalzi has written an important post acknowledging the difference between being a prominent male blogger and a prominent female blogger, when it comes to the abuse and hate mail they receive.

I was deeply sad to read this post by Cheryl Morgan, who is feeling beaten down by the mudslinging she has been experiencing for years, and decided to withdraw her connection to many fan, volunteer and professional projects. Cheryl’s commitment to our community and the science fiction field as a whole has always been inspiring to me, and it’s devastating to realise what the personal cost of that has been for her.

Tehani is running a blog series on the relationship between pro writers and indie press over at The Booknut. I particularly liked this guest post by Trent Jamieson.

For my own reference, here’s the schedule for the upcoming month of DC rebootiness. Even more exciting is this head’s up I got from the Hathor Legacy about upcoming DC comics for kids. The special Batgirl issue of Tiny Titans looks fantastic, and as I’d never even heard of Tiny Titans before (hmm, though actually, it’s sounding familiar now, Isabel did you mention this to me?) I immediately went to order some for Raeli.

I’m loving the Bitch blog right now - their ‘we’re all mad here’ blog series is looking at some very interesting issues. I particularly liked the posts on the portrayal of crazy ladies in the animated Batverse, and Whedon’s exploration of the use of institutionalisation to control women across his various shows.

Which is good timing to make another recommendation for Panel2Panel“>Panel2Panel, a new Australian comics podcast. Grant and Kitty’s first episode includes a crunchy discussion of the problematic portrayal of mental illness in Gotham City.

Gorgeous and inspiring post at the Tribal Writer about what it means to be a strong woman.

My favourite response to the new Doctor Who episode, an essay looking at the use of humour in “Let’s Kill Hitler”. Spoilers, obviously, for an episode not screening in Australia until tomorrow!

I’ve been discussing Doctor Who a lot this week - from failing to effectively defend the show I love to Alisa (really, was it so hard to remember to shriek INTELLECT AND ROMANCE OVER BRUTE FORCE AND CYNICISM when she asked me?) on Galactic Suburbia, through to the new series of conversational reviews with Tehani and David. I’ve also spent some time on YouTube, feeding the obsession of both my daughters (Jem continues to say ‘doctoooo’ as one word, and has become expert at spotting Amy and Daleks) and found this particular vid that makes me happy, because it mashes old and new who together, showing how much the two versions of the show share with each other. Intellect and romance, people! Also abject silliness, explosions and the Doctor being utterly awesome, even when he’s a colossal arse.

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john scalzi, tehani wessely, muppets, cheryl morgan, trent jamieson, doctor who, linkage, podcasts, women in comics, crossposted

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