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I’m about to abandon my family for the evening to dodge off to sewing, which is as good a time as any to do some show and tell about the sewing projects I’ve been working on lately. All presents, actually, which is a good way to ensure that your house doesn’t become entirely stuffed with quilts.
This is the lap quilt I sent to Kaia for her 30th birthday this month. It’s made up of handsewn hexagons in fabrics ranging through blues, creams & pinks, and oranges & browns.
The theme was comfort food, and the fabrics featured cupcakes, fruit and vegies, and a hit of chocolate as well as flowers and the occasional random fluffy like the cute little sheep. There are lots of inside jokes here, the most obvious one being the blueberry border which refers to the book we have been writing together.
I had so much blueberry fabric that I was going to use it for backing too, but it ended up looking far too cold, which seemed unwise for a quilt designed to keep someone cheerful through the long Swedish winter. Luckily I had loads of this lovely strawberries, raspberries, cherries & cream fabric to use instead!
As far as technique goes, the most interesting aspect of this one is that I left two of the ends without a border, and bound them along the hexagon edge. This could not have been done without the help of Helen, my fairy quiltmother, who machined one side of the binding done and basically made it easy for me to fold and hand stitch all the pointy bits.
And of course I machine quilted it on the Vrroooom Machine. With a swirly pattern. I’m very proud with how it all turned out!
I have a couple of other quilting projects to report on, but will have to save them for a later post!