Originally published at
tansyrr.com. You can comment here or
Well, that was an exciting week! The Snapshot is officially over, and you can read an epilogue post over at the blog of
Kathryn, our fearless leader this year. It was as ever, frantic and a touch on the crazy side. We battled with a shockingly unreliable gmail address that seemed to randomly eat a good percentage of emails we received, and did our best to cover as many of the active members of the spec fic community as possible.
I was excited to see so many interesting tales and announcements emerging - and to welcome in so many new names. I remember when I was first published, this amorphous entity known as ‘the spec fic community’ was so very daunting, so I was particularly pleased to be able to welcome some new writers to the fold. So many people say that this is a quiet, “fallow” period for Australian specfic, and are looking to the Melbourne Worldcon to set off another ‘golden age’ of manic writing, editing and publishing activity - maybe it’s true and maybe that will happen, but things are looking pretty golden already!
Hopefully many of the international visitors who are coming along to Aussiecon 4 will be able to use this year’s Snapshot as a resource as to what’s going on over here. Heh, probably plenty of Australians can use it the same way - I know I’ve learned a lot from reading all the interviews.
It was enormously pleasing to see so many people cite Siren Beat (as well as the works of many of my friends) as a reading highlight of their year. I’ve never written anything that has attracted such - well, buzz, and general approval. It feels awfully shiny, and helps me through the months of anxiety between now and the publication of my first Voyager novel.
The Australian SpecFic Snapshot 2010:
Marianne De Pierres,
Richard Harland,
Karen Miller,
Margo Lanagan,
Ben Peek,
Narelle Harris,
Paul Collins,
Damien Broderick,
Shane Jiraiya Cummings,
Angela Slatter,
Dion Hamill,
Garth Nix,
Tansy Rayner Roberts,
Trudi Canavan,
Thoraiya Dyer,
Keith Stevenson,
Juliet Marillier,
Gillian Polack,
Jason Fischer,
Alisa Krasnostein,
Tehani Wessely,
Amanda Rainey,
Justine Larbalestier,
Rowena Cory Daniells,
Glenda Larke,
Adrian (K.A.) Bedford,
Kaaron Warren,
Nicole Murphy,
D.M. Cornish,
Deborah Kalin,
Jonathan Strahan,
Alan Baxter,
Gary Kemble,
Lezli Robyn,
Kate Eltham,
Robert Hoge,
Will Elliott,
Trent Jamieson,
Felicity Dowker,
Jack Dann,
Lee Battersby,
Peter M Ball,
Nyssa Pascoe,
Lucy Sussex,
Andrew McKiernan,
Amanda Pillar,
Deborah Biancotti,
Kim Falconer,
Gabrielle Wang,
Kim Wilkins,
Paul Haines,
Karen Healey,
Stephanie Campisi,
Stuart Mayne,
Christopher Lynch,
Simon Petrie,
Alison Goodman,
Russell Blackford,
Rhonda Roberts,
Ben Payne,
Christopher Green,
Kylie Chan,
K.J. Taylor,
Robbie Matthews,
Kirstyn McDermott,
Russell Farr,
Simon Haynes,
Kate Orman,
Cat Sparks,
Sean Williams,
Penni Russon,
Robert Hood,
Tracey O’Hara,
Cassandra Golds,
Dirk Flinthart,
Kathleen Jennings,
Tessa Kum,
Helen Merrick,
Jenny Blackford,
Martin Livings,
Marty Young,
Lisa (LL) Hannett,
Nick Stathopoulos,
Lorraine Cormack,
Edwina Harvey,
Ian McHugh,
Matthew Chrulew,
Shaun Tan