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I hit another wall today (possibly I have enough walls to construct a whole cottage now). My first attempts at leaving the house to write in public with Melander erupted into continual chaos and I think we were both relieved when we closed our laptops and accepted that keeping our children from killing each other and chatting about motherhood was going to be the best we could achieve that morning.
(Writing at Kidz Biz the adventure playground - good idea in theory, but not with child-friendship dramas, their constant need to be fed or cuddled better, and far too many people I know turning up there.)
Also I started to get that weird spacey ‘I didn’t have enough sleep last night’ feeling round about lunchtime. I counted up the hours I got to sleep last night and figured out a) last night was better than usual and b) maybe the problem is not enough sleep last WEEK?
Nap attempted this afternoon. Nap failed.
C is coming over soon, in the hopes of inspiration. I plan to drill my words out then and peer pressure her into doing the same. No talking. Have talked too much today!
My honey is lying on the bed reading Jeff VanderMeer’s Booklife and occasionally emerging to ask pertinent questions about my career like ‘you got paid for your last two contracts, right?’ It’s nice that he’s interested.
Raeli meanwhile is soaking up robot pop culture - the Iron Giant, followed by an Astro Boy marathon. She spent the morning interacting with other kids so I’m perfectly happy for her to veg out all afternoon - though she is drawing while she watches TV, heh. I used to do that. I was multi-skilling as a toddler.
Gah, baby is waking up (rocks chair, sends her back to sleep)